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hi - I have 2 sets of mpu9150 3d (x,y,z) data + 3 analog sensor streams of data sent from arduino (1.5.3 (due)) to processing over serial, the string has been subdivided into an array of floats which print to the console fine - but the moment that i use any of these values to be used in the graphics window e.g. to change one aspect of the color in a rectangle for example - the program wont run and the above error message occurs. Invalid memory access of location 0x248 rip=0x7fff895d6312. i have an imac 2013 10.8.5 with memory allocation at 1056MB (i will be using this with a live granulating synth) - right now i need to test my sensor data so am trying to generate a graphical representation with a 3d model using this serial data. If one set of data from one sensor is being polled from a motion processing chip with the rest from my sketch main loop all sent to serial at a baud rate of 115200 (also set in processing) - could my issue be related to timing - should i be sending this data using timed interrupts from arduino? it looks okay in the sensor data array.
i have also imported a model i made in sketchup for 3d rep 1 the model constructor (for 3d rep) is setup like this: s = new SimpleClass("Violin_Bow_02B.obj", this);
from this: class SimpleClass {
OBJModel model;
SimpleClass(String s, PApplet parent) { model = new OBJModel(parent, s, OBJModel.ABSOLUTE, QUADS); model.scale(0.1); model.translateToCenter(); } 1. it wont run if all i'm trying to do is change a small range of pixels mapped from the sensor range from one array element to 0-255 (for one of RGB) 2. could it be a java issue ? - ive already had to uninstall the latest processing as i couldnt run: inString = myPort.readStringUntil('\n'); so i've reverted to processing 2.0.3
havent included the sketch cos it only stops working when i use it in a very basic function: fspifs = (sensors[1]); brcolor= map(fspifs, 0.0, 255.0, 255.0 0.0); //from an LDR fill(0, brcolor, brcolor); noStroke(); rect(600, 750, 300, 150, 3);//bottom right rectangle
this is only to test it .........