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Hello. I have problem using processingjs. I think that category is the best.
I have problem just like in the topic. It looks like mouse position was wrong !
And my primitive code.
void setup() { size(500,500,JAVA2D); background(0); }
void draw() { ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 80, 80); }
Why don't you try out your code on these sites and check whether they work there?
I checked it, it doesn't looks ok. When i am on top of the website it looks OK, but when i use scroll as I said. I am using chrome but on opera it doesn't look ok too.
I've had the same issue with Chrome. I don't know about Opera but my code was running fine with FireFox and Safari.
Removing the doctype field in the HTML page solved the issue.
I have modified the updateMousePosition function in processing.js (1.4.1).
function updateMousePosition(curElement, event) { var rect = curElement.getBoundingClientRect(); p.mouseX = event.clientX - rect.left; p.mouseY = event.clientY - rect.top; }