unit testing?

yesterday I downloaded the Processing source and started tinkering around on it. I noticed that there are a number of relatively straightforward bugs that need fixing so I'd like to lend a hand, but I didn't find any mention of automated tests in the build documentation or the ant files (granted, I don't actually know how to use ant). Since I'm relatively new to the codebase, I was hoping to find some tests that would help verify that any changes I make are cromulent.

is there a unit testing suite in the Processing source? If so, how can I run it?


  • processing/app/test/src/test/processing/mode/java and perhaps elsewhere. I suggest to grep for junit in all the .java files.

    That said, I mostly saw tests against reported bugs, I don't think there are an extensive set of tests for each and every point of the API.

    Beside, they would be hard to do, given the special way the API is made (for ease of use in sketches) and therefore the lack of separation of logic (easy to test) and rendering (depending on a display).

  • neat! Umm, how would I go about running these? there doesn't seem to be any ant targets defined or anything like that; right now if I want to check that a change I made did what I wanted it to do, I'm running ant run, loading up a sketch that causes the problem, and then running the sketch. Is that a normal way to go about working on Processing?

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