How do you redraw over this pixel array?

Hello again, I'm trying to redraw over this 2D pixel array of this program.

// main setup settings
int dimy = 800;            // screen width 1681
int dimx = 850;            //screen height 1019
int bailout = 2000;         // number of iterations before bail
int plots = 171294;        // number of plots to execute per frame (x30 = plots per second) 171294
float magx = 4.0; // default 3.0, smaller means more zoom
float magy = magx*(dimy/float(dimx));
float panx = 0.3; //default is 0.5
float pany = 0.0; //default is 0.0
//brightness multiplier
float brt = 1.0; // brightness factor

// 2D array to hold exposure values
int[] exposure = new int[dimx*dimy];

// maximum exposure value
int maxexposure;           

int time = 0;
int exposures = 0;

 float Ex = 2;

 float x, y;
 float x0, y0;

boolean drawing; 

int sgn(float value) {            //if signus is needed sgn(x)=x/abs(x) = 1, 0 or -1
 if (value < 0) {return -1;}
 if (value > 0) {return 1;}
 return 0;
float cosh(float value1) {
 return 0.5*(exp(value1)+exp(-value1));
float sinh(float value2) {
 return 0.5*(exp(value2)-exp(-value2));
float arg(float axis1, float axis2) {
 if (axis2==0) {return PI;}
 else {return -atan(axis1/axis2)+PI*sgn(axis2)*0.5;}
float spharg(float axisa, float axisb, float axisc) {
 return acos(axisc/sqrt(sq(axisa)+sq(axisb)+sq(axisc)));
void setup() {
 // set up drawing area
void draw() {
 if (time%1==0) { //every second
   // Infinitely Looping, nested boolean iteration(x0,y0,DrawIt)
void plotPlots() {

 // iterate through some plots
 for (int n=0;n<plots;n++) {
   // Choose a random point in same range
   x = random(-2.0,2.0);
   y = random(-2.0,2.0);
   x0 = random(-2.0,2.0);
   y0 = random(-2.0,2.0);

   if (iterate(x,y,false)) {
    //Pauses Boolean, (d=pause, D=start)
     if (Ex > 1){
      if (Ex < 2){

void renderBrot() {
 // draw to screen
 for (int i=0;i<dimx;i++) {
   for (int j=0;j<dimy;j++) {
     float ramp = brt * exposure[i*dimy+j] / maxexposure;
     // blow out ultra bright regions
     if (ramp > 1)  {
       ramp = 1;
     //shading formulae
     color c = color(pow(sin(ramp),0.4),pow(ramp,0.75),pow(ramp,2.5)); // sunset
//   Iterate the Mandelbrot and return TRUE if the point exits
//   Also handle the drawing of the exit points
boolean iterate(float x0, float y0, boolean drawIt) {
 float x = 0.0;
 float y = 0.0;
 //float t = random(0,1);
 //float r = random(0,1);  

 //x0 = 0.0;
 //y0 = 0.0;

 float xnew, ynew;
 int ix,iy;

 for (int i=0;i<bailout;i++) {

   // Display iterations before false DrawIt boolean
   //if (i>0){
   // }

   //set your costum formula here...
   //default Mandelbrot
   xnew = x * x - y * y + x0;
   ynew = 2 * x * y + y0;

// Draws pixel to screen -
// Based on if drawIt boolean is true, and iterations[i] > 3

  // Defines and Draws Pixels in 2D Exposure Array
  // Draws pixel when iteration[i] > 3 within current boolean cycle of xnew, ynew values
  if (drawIt && (i > 3)) {

     ix = int(dimx*(panx+xnew+magx/2.0)/magx);
     iy = int(dimy*(pany+ynew+magy/2.0)/magy);

     //Defines points (ix,iy) within screen ranges
     if (ix >= 0 && iy >= 0 && ix < dimx && iy < dimy) {
       // rotate and expose point

   if ((xnew*xnew + ynew*ynew) > 4) {
     // escapes
     return true;
   x = xnew;
   y = ynew;
 // does not escape
 return false;
void findMaxExposure() {
 // assume no exposure
 // find the largest density value
 for (int i=0;i<dimy;i++) {
   for (int j=0;j<dimx;j++) {
     maxexposure = max(maxexposure,exposure[i*dimx+j]);
 void keyPressed(){

    //Return Iterate(x0,y0,DrawIt) False in Plot  
    if (key == 'r') {
     Ex = 1;
    //Return Iterate(x0,y0,DrawIt) True in Plot  
    if (key == 'R') {
     Ex = 2;

I've studied and tested many pixel array programs recently, but don't understand it enough to figure it out the exact method. I know the pixel array exposure[] is a 2D array within the looping, nested boolean iterate(x0,y0,drawIt) and that the pixel array output is derived from the specific code:

    // Draws pixel to screen -
    // Based on if drawIt boolean is true, and iterations[i] > 3

      // Defines and Draws Pixels in 2D Exposure Array
      // Draws pixel when iteration[i] > 3 within current boolean cycle of xnew, ynew values
      if (drawIt && (i > 3)) {

         ix = int(dimx*(panx+xnew+magx/2.0)/magx);
         iy = int(dimy*(pany+ynew+magy/2.0)/magy);

         //Defines points (ix,iy) within screen ranges
         if (ix >= 0 && iy >= 0 && ix < dimx && iy < dimy) {
           // rotate and expose point

It's not a boolean true/false issue as the entire program is written in an infinite loop of nested booleans drawing, iterate(x0,y0,drawIt) and when halted either in the drawing section or the plotPlots() section the pixel array remains intact upon continuation of the program (as demonstrated with Keypressed 'r', 'R'). The program is well threaded into itself with it's booleans and I have no reason to change that fact.

How would I go about updating the entire pixel array in this program to a single color (black) upon key press? Blanking out the canvas and the program continuing it's constant pixel drawing process of exposure points on screen again without the old pixels.


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