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Im trying to change colors of two (or more) cirlces when their centers are in range of each others radiuses. Something like that:
I tried double for loop, but I failed.
Postac[] p;
void setup() {
size(600, 600);
p = new Postac[5];
for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
p[i] = new Postac();
void draw() {
for (int j, i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
class Postac {
int x = int(random(50, width-50)), y = int(random(50, height-50)),
radius = int(random(50, 200));
int r = 250, g = 3, b = 255;
boolean over;
void display() {
point(x, y);
stroke(r, g, b, 100);
fill(r, g, b, 50);
ellipse(x, y, radius, radius);
void mouseOver() {
if (mouseX > x-3 && mouseX < x+3 && mouseY > y-3 && mouseY < y+3) {
r = 255;
g = 255;
b = 255;
over = true;
} else {
r = 250;
g = 3;
b = 255;
over = false;
You store your circles in an array. You are not comparing the circles against each other. So you have:
You need instead
and inside your class you need to define:
Check this
Notice there is a new forum at https://discourse.processing.org
for (int other = i
for (int other = i+1
And adjust line 5
kfrajer, it doesnt work :/
i have made couple of changes in your code and i ended up with something like this, works perfect :D
Instead of
for (int other = 0;
for (int other = i+1
And adjust previous for accordingly
thanks a lot guys ;)
I think you need a pre-loop to set all the circles to non-overlapping and then a nested loop to set the overlapping ones to the overlapping colour, you can't just have an else statement inside the nested loop.
Why not? Say you have three circles. The first two overlap, so you set them as overlapping. You then check them both against circle 3 and neither overlap with circle 3 so you set them both as non-overlapping...