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I'm trying to do a simple think: when a button is pressed i load a video using the processing video library, each button is associated with a different video, for example button 1 with video 1, button 2 with video 2, and so on. The code works but every time I call a video, also the same i have already load, rewriting the gloabal variable the consume of CPU grows, reaching the 40% after the thrid loading, after 7 video the consume of CPU is near the 100%. An extraction of the code:
import processing.video.*;
Movie movie;
void setup() {
size(1280, 720, P3D);
void draw() {
//image(movie, 0, 0, width, height);
if (but1_1==1) {
println("video 1");
movie = new Movie(this, "1.mp4"));
if (but1_2==1) {
println("video 2");
movie = new Movie(this, "2.mp4"));
if (but1_3==1) {
println("video 3");
movie = new Movie(this, "3.mp4"));
As you can see, it should not be any reason in based on which the CPU consume grows: the instantiated object movie is always rewritten every time a new video (or the same) is loaded. Any suggestions?
You are using this in P3D. is this necessary? How do you display your movies?
Also, if you execute this in
, shouldn't it be:Kf
If memory allows, prefer loading all of the resources a sketch is gonna need before draw() starts. L-)
Why do you create
Movie objects after setup()? :-/A Movie object is 1 of the most RAM hungry objects btW, AFAIK! :-S
Instead, create an array for them, and you pause() & resume() to pick the active 1. *-:)
The video library is simply a binding wrapper for GStreamer, a framework written in C: :-B
Java's GC can't touch it! Instead, in order to actually release its hardware resources, we need to explicitly command it via method dispose(). :-$
And as @kfrajer already asked: Do you really need an OpenGL-based renderer for it? :-\"
hi to all! thanks for the answer, i solved the problem just using movie.stop(); before recall a new object! yes i need opengl because this is just a little part of the code! i use a shader to manipulate the sketch!
i create a movie object in the draw loop because i need to change the video a lot of time, and i have to use like 100 video, so i can't import all in the setup function, is too much memory expansive.