
edited May 2018 in Library Questions

This is the code to my final for school. Did basic assignments then the final was to create a game. Only been programming for about 6 weeks. This is my code. I cannot figure to open the correct window. im trying to manip the game so that after the U is pressed the next correct screen comes up. there are many common problems and many solutions to this problem. but i cannot seem to get the correct syntax in line to keep going

import processing.sound.*; // this is the code that needs to be typed to bring music/sound into the processing en

import controlP5.*; // this is what you type to import other librarys into your envornment. the name of my library is controlP5

SoundFile sound; // activates the sound right away

ControlP5 button; // activates control p5 i named it button because that is why i am using the controp5 for its buttons

// does not really make a huge impact to my game , its just for fun // to use the controlp5

PFont font; String s = "Text Typer"; String w = "Welcome to my game:"; String [] answers = { "U", "A", "B"}; // i made my answers into an array so its easy acces during my coding String [] questions = {"Comp_ter Science", "Bill G_tes", "Steve Jo_s"}; // i made all my " data" into more arrays String [] randoms = {" C ", " H ", " J ", " P ", " F ", " W "}; // made to confuse and complicate for players

boolean j = false; // activating my boolean /* also using the white space above the set up to chose the type of variable i need and give these variables their values alot of the variables i use are global

*/ // variables incase i need color values or background changes perhaps

int r = 0; int g = 0; int b = 0;

int Button; int x = 150; // where object is located on x axis

int y = 100; // y axis

int speed = 2 ; // sets speed of ball

int slide_me = 100; // the buttons need names int slide = 100; int slides = 100; float timecheck ;

void setup() {

// this is my canvas for the set up area // things i only need 1 time font = loadFont("SegoeUIBlack-Italic-48.vlw"); textFont(font);

size(700, 500);

button = new ControlP5(this);

Slider i = button.addSlider("slide", 0, 255, 150, 220, 10, 150, 50); // these were all the parameters needed for the sliders Slider a = button.addSlider("slides", 0, 255, 50, 400, 10, 150, 50); sound = new SoundFile(this, "Digital-Downtown_Looping.mp3"); // this is the syntax needed for importing the sounds; // using the play function to activae my music named sound sound.loop(); // music plays forever color(slide_me); }

void draw() { // activating the draw in my program

// 60 frames/second background(slide); // program background using the controlp5 button background(45); stroke(slides); // created for user interaction only fill(slide_me); move(); // calling the move function display();// calling the display function from the method coding in the bottom question(); mainmenu(); randoms(); mainscreen(); keyPressed(); }

void move () {

y = y + speed; // ball goes down y axis at set speed if ( y > height) // travels continuously along the height y = 50; // when reaching end of the height set the ball will begin back at the 0 on y axis }

void display() { // draw his display first

fill(random(255), random(255), random(255)); fill(200); textSize(45); }

void question() { // next thing draw sees is the question object

fill(slide); text(questions[0], 150, 150); textSize(40); }

void mainmenu() {

strokeWeight(5); // this is the lines and the main menu for the game fill(220); line(500, 200, 700, 200); line(500, 200, 500, 700); textSize(20); strokeWeight(1.5);

text("MAIN MENU", 550, 250); line(500, 275, 700, 275); textSize(15);

text(" Type the correct", 525, 300); // didnt do strings for all texts text("letter to complete", 528, 330); text(" the word", 525, 360); }

void randoms () { // this is where i drop array of letters to throw off the player

// this is where I will drop my array of my 6 random letters fill(random(255), random(255), random(255)); textSize(40); text(randoms[2], 150, y+5); // the y + makes the letters look like they are falling at different speeds text(randoms[3], 200, y+2); text(randoms[4], 225, y+10 ); // tried making them float text(randoms[5], 315, y +150); text(randoms[0], 500, y +5); text(answers[0], 110, y +.5); loop(); }

void mainscreen() { //another element added to the main screen

fill(#E53F15); textSize(18); stroke(12); text(w, 15, 30); textSize(25); strokeWeight(5); text(s, 15, 300); }

void keyReleased() {

int u = 0; int a = 0; int b = 0;

if (key == 'u') { // had trouble getting the screens to happen in the correct sequence

background(144); // this is what happens if the u is hit on the keyboard
text(questions[1], width/3, height / 2 );

} else {

text("try again", width/3, height/2);



if (key=='a') { for ( a = 0; a < 95; a +=5); // this is for when the player enters the correct if ( a > 35) { // letter it changes a value in a variable background(#63636A); // if the variable criteria is not met randoms(); // the next window comes up for questions 2 text(questions[2], width/3, height/2); mainmenu(); noLoop(); } else { // this will pop up if you hit the wrong button text("try again", width/3, height/2); // the text


} }


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