
edited May 2018 in Questions about Code

i whant to put an image in to the shape but its coming out white can anyone help

`class astroid {`
  // An astroid angle, speed, size, rotation
  float angle, speed, size, rotSpeed;
  float position;
  float rotation;
  float xoff, yoff;
  float x, y;
  PShape s;  // The PShape object - Keeps the astroid shape
  float i;
  int id;

  // Constructor  

  astroid(float _angle, float _speed, float _size, float _rotSpeed, float _xoff, float _yoff, int _id) {
    angle = _angle;
    speed = _speed;
    size = _size;
    rotSpeed = _rotSpeed;
    xoff = _xoff;
    yoff = _yoff;
    id = _id;
    if (xoff<1000) {
      x = 250+500*cos(angle)+xoff;
      y = 250+500*sin(angle)+yoff;

    } else {
      x = _xoff-2000;
      y = _yoff-2000;
    rotation = 0; 
    // Generate the shape of the astroid - Some variations for all
    s = createShape();

    //s.fill(2        55, 255, 170);
    for (i=0; i<TWO_PI; i=i+PI/(random(4, 11))) {
      s.vertex(random(ast_size*0.8, ast_size*1.2)*cos(i), random(ast_size*0.8, ast_size*1.2)*sin(i));

  // Increases the speed. Used in the end of the game to clear screen of astroids
  void incSpeed() {
    speed = speed * 1.02;

  // Update position, return true when out of screen
  boolean update() {
    int i;
    x = x - cos(angle)*speed;
    y = y - sin(angle)*speed;
    rotation = rotation + rotSpeed; 

    // Check for astroid vs astroid collision
    for (i = 0; i<astroids.size(); i++) {
      astroid a = astroids.get(i);
      if ((a != this) && (a.coll(x, y, ast_size*size, id))) {
        if (size > 1) {
          astroids.add(new astroid(angle-random(PI/5, PI/7), speed+random(0, speed/2), size/2, rotSpeed, 2000+x, 2000+y, id));
          astroids.add(new astroid(angle+random(PI/5, PI/7), speed+random(0, speed/2), size/2, rotSpeed, 2000+x, 2000+y, id));    

    // Set position as the new 0,0 
    translate(x, y);
    // Rotate screen "angle" 
    // Draw astroid
    // Bring back normal perspektive

    if (x<-300 || x>800 || y<-300 || y>800) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

  boolean coll(float _x, float _y, float _size, int _id) {
    float dist;

    dist = sqrt ((x-_x)*(x-_x) + (y-_y)*(y-_y));

    // Check if distance is shorter than astroid size and other objects size
    if ((dist<(_size+ast_size*size)) && (id!=_id)) {
      // Collision, 
      if (_id>0) id = _id;
      if (size > 1) {
        // If the astroid was "large" generate two new fragments
        astroids.add(new astroid(angle-random(PI/5, PI/7), speed+random(0, speed/2), size/2, rotSpeed, 2000+x, 2000+y, id));
        astroids.add(new astroid(angle+random(PI/5, PI/7), speed+random(0, speed/2), size/2, rotSpeed, 2000+x, 2000+y, id));
      return true;
    } else { 
      return false;


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