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Hi hackers,
a few of you have written to me to visit Goldsmiths and the MA in Computational arts and there's now a fantastic opportunity to do so! The students on the MA are organising their work-in-progress computational art show, named Echosystems which promises to be great!!! (see attached flyer below) In a room of the same venue there's also going to be a short presentation about the MA followed by drinks at Buster Mantis nearby where some students will perform live computational work.
It's a great opportunity to: * see the kind of work you could be doing on this course * speak to students themselves * explore the state-of-the-art facilities * learn more about the course in a short presentation (optional) * experience live computational performances at Buster Mantis * have a drink and meet people!
It promises to be a lot of fun!!!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1806701242972865
When: this Thursday 10th of May * 4:00pm popup exhibition starts * 7:00pm Presentation of MA programme & quick tour of hackspace * 8:00pm Live student performances at Buster Mantis
See attachment for event flyer.
Where: Professor Stuart Hall Building - basement foyer map: https://goo.gl/maps/1icY99vDfvt (nearest tube New Cross Gate or New Cross) see attachment for local map
If you can't join us, read more about the MA here
Keep up to date with what's going on by visiting the MA blog: http://doc.gold.ac.uk/compartsblog/
See you on Thursday!
Dr Theodoros Papatheodorou
Senior Lecturer in Computational Arts
Computational Arts MA/MFA Programme Leader (website & blog)
Department of Computing, Room 6, 29 St. James
Goldsmiths, University of London