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I am using onTap() function for getting touch events but on some devices there is a big failure rate (some touches are not taken into account, sometimes you have to touch 2-3 times somewhere). On my tablet it works fine, but not also on my smartphone. Please help
This is really good to document. Please state what is your Android API target, specs of your device, and a sample program reproducing the problem. Please also add your Processing version and Android mode version.
You can also open a ticket in the ketai repo in github.
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=processing.test.memory_colors this is the app I am talking about. If you have some time, you can check if the tap events work fine on your device.
I think the targetSdkVersion is 26.
I tried it and sometimes you get unresponsive taps. It might take the third try for the tap to respond. I notice that if you use a long[er] tap approach, then all the taps are accounted for i.e. everything works.
You can implement your on tapping using the Android API directly and have full control. It is not difficult to implement. You can have a look at the ketai src code to get started.
@kfrajer Do you think that some gestures might be considered as flicks instead?
Hard to tell. The problem could be the code, either how you implemented it (unlikely) or the underlined code design and integration between Android API, Processing and the library providing the GUI elements. Ketai offers flick, longPress, tap actions and I believe it also handles the normal mousePressed, mouseReleased.
I tested the code on my Device, a samsung 8 using oreo.
To address something like this, you can do it two ways: Provide some minimum code duplicating the problem, creat a tix in github with proper description and wait to see if eventually it gets addressed.
Or you could do the implementation of the touch events yourself. It is not difficult.