We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
Here is example... i want to only use layer without resize :/
ArrayList<GameObject> objects = new ArrayList <GameObject>();
void setup() {
size(500, 500, P3D);
objects.add(new GameObject(150,300,25));
objects.add(new GameObject(200,300,-2));
void draw() {
objects.get(0).layer = width/2 - mouseX;
for (int i = objects.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
GameObject object = objects.get(i);
translate(object.x, object.y, object.layer);
class GameObject {
int x, y, layer;
color c = color(random(255),random(255),random(255));
GameObject(int x, int y, int layer) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.layer = layer;
why do you start a new topic?
Again, as I told you before: you need to explain in a longer way what you mean.
What do you want to achieve?
What happens now falsely, what do you want to happen instead?
Which line number is involved??
To your problem
e.g. you want to use layer without resize: there is no
in your code, so what do you mean?object.layer is the Z position in 3D (the depth)
you can as well call it z
processing is taking care in 3D space what is in front of what, so Z -25 is always behind +25
in 2D space, what is in front and what is behind is made like the order in that you draw things. Like on a real canvas, when you draw a forest and then Robin Hood, Robin is in front the forest, the forest is in the background.
How to simply take write layer and the object was draw up or down of other layer objects ?
2D or 3D?
as I said, it is hard for me to work with you because you don't explain much.
Is English your first language? Don't write so brief.
I can't help you.
Hi GeorgeJava,
If you don't want an object's depth on the z-axis to change its size as perceived by the camera you can use orthographic ( https://processing.org/reference/ortho_.html ) rather than the default perspective ( https://processing.org/reference/perspective_.html ).