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Hi all,
I have drawn a cube in the scene and I am trying to change the colour of the cube based on where I am looking. Currently I am just trying to measure the distance from the reticle position and the position of the cube. It appears to change the colour once but then never changes it again. Am I using the calculate function incorrectly? Or is there some other facepalm I have missed? Thanks.
import processing.vr.*;
PGraphicsVR p = new PGraphicsVR();
float retX, retY, x, y, z;
color col = color(0, 150, 255);
float d;
void setup() {
x = width/2;
y = height/2;
z = -650;
void calculate() {
//this function is called once per frame immediately before draw
//use it to update variable values
retX = p.cameraX;
retY = p.cameraY;
void draw() {
//this is called twice per frame, once per eye
d = dist(retX, retY, x, y);
if (d > 150) col = color(255, 0, 255);
else if (d < 150) col = color(0, 150, 255);
translate(x, y, z);
void drawReticule() {
fill(255, 200, 0);
stroke(255, 200);
point(retX, retY, 100);
are you sure this gets called automatically: calculate()
Sounds like it to me: [Link]
So I tested this by placing another set of variables in the 3d space and moved it away, the measurement against those x, y variables works.
So it would appear that my problem is that the eye(); method is returning a position that is not anything to do with the head position, just the x, y world co-ordinates.
Is there a way to get the current head position (as in which direction the user is looking) in android mode?
I have a similar problem and just need the rotation and tilt when moving the head. There is a class called HeadTransform which should do exactly that, but I have no idea how to initiate and use it. Did not found any examples yet. Can anyone help?
@codeanticode, @kfrajer could you shed some light on this?
Sorry I can help atm. I suggest you contact the owner of the VR repo. I believe she is in the forum but I am not sure what is his name ID.
@himi This page by Andres Colubri might help. He wrote an entire book about Android VR. Click the code examples, those might help you. I intend to study how he's done it to solve my own technological issues.
Thanks Andres.
Thanks. The Colubri examples helped. I also found a very interesting site, with an example on how to get the eye coordinates. http://www.kramann.info/94_VSI/01_Snippets/index.php
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