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Hi, I'm trying to get SinOsc to play through an IntList. The IntList values will be mapped so that their values change the frequency output. I would like to be able to control the timing of the sounds (e.g., one sound per second). However, I'm running into all sorts of problems, starting with map() as it will only accept floats. Never mind trying to make it play through the IntList.
The following is the code I have that works so far (all failed attempts at playing the sounds have been omitted):
import processing.sound.*;
IntList luxSample1;
final int sampleSize=10;
Table table;
TableRow row;
float luxData;
float luxNoise1;
PFont font;
int RowCount; //total rows
int index; // random starting point
int end = index+9;
int [] randomLux1 = new int [10];
int minLux1, maxLux1;
SinOsc sine1;
String date;
void setup() {
size(640, 600);
font = createFont("Arial", 14, true);
//Processing sound
sine1 = new SinOsc(this);
void draw () {
date = table.getString(1, 0);
text(date, 20, 20);
void processData() {
table = loadTable("sample.csv", "header"); //change file here
RowCount = table.getRowCount();
index = int(random(RowCount-sampleSize));
int[] randomLux1 = int(table.getStringColumn("lux"));
luxSample1 = new IntList();
luxSample1.append(subset(randomLux1, index, sampleSize));
minLux1 = min(subset(randomLux1, index, sampleSize));
maxLux1 = max(subset(randomLux1, index, sampleSize));
println(minLux1, maxLux1);
The data is taken from a .csv file. Here is a sample: date,time,lux 02.08.2016,9:27:28,866 02.08.2016,9:27:29,635 02.08.2016,9:27:30,949 02.08.2016,9:27:31,986 02.08.2016,9:27:33,987 02.08.2016,9:27:34,992 02.08.2016,9:27:40,980 02.08.2016,9:27:44,987 02.08.2016,9:27:45,981 02.08.2016,9:27:46,977 02.08.2016,9:27:47,977 02.08.2016,9:27:48,974
Any pointers or help as to where I am going wrong or what I should look into will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
could you please format the data like you did with your code?
I tried, but it keeps on putting it on a continuous line. Sorry. I don't know how else to do it. If you do, please let me know. Thanks.
Paste it in, then highlight and use Ctrl-o to indent four spaces.
I'm on a Mac. Ctrl-O tries to open a file.