name one smartphone that processing applet can run on

Broke my head trying to find one single smartphone that can access internet and show Processing based applet. Help



  • Answer ✓

    Please change your topic title to something less obtrusive (no caps!).

    No smartphone can run Java applets, including Processing applets. Applet technology is largely getting phased out. This is why Processing 2.0 dropped support for applets (although they can still be created with the Applet Maker tool).

    Processing's (relatively) new JavaScript mode sketches are, in a way, the new applets. They rely on the HTML5 <canvas> element. I'm not sure if this technology is supported by any smartphones...

    There is also Android mode, which can be used to develop sketches natively for Android phones (only Android, not iOS or any other mobile platform). This mode is not web-based, and you will need to set up an ADB USB connection to your phone if you plan to use it. This is probably the best solution to your problem, but it may not be what you are looking for.

  • Thank you for fast answer. I am trying convince the hospital's authorities (I work at) into using Processing as a base for apps for tablets development. It would be very effective to show something like Biomechanics (at sketch. And it is extremely frustrating when NONE of available accessible smartphones in a board room is able to show the sketch in action. So there is no smartphones that would access internet and run this sketch? Right?

  • On second thought, you may have some luck with a Windows 8 tablet as this is essentially the same as a desktop. But I don't think any other smartphone / tablet will work.

  • Answer ✓

    Some mobile browsers support the HTML5 <canvas> element

  • edited February 2014

    Indeed, it appears that JavaScript-based sketches will work in mobile browsers... I didn't realize this. However, your example runs as an applet and, as such, cannot be displayed in a mobile browser. It may be possible to convert the sketch to JavaScript, depending on what it needs...

    EDIT: Although some JavaScript sketches will work, 3D sketches will NOT work in mobile browsers, as per @Azenha's link (because they require WebGL).

  • Thank you for great answers. Just a moment ago ran the Biomechanics as javascript on Apache and watched it on Droid tablet with Firefox( Some x,y offset needed though).

    PS Strange - Navier-Fluid solver that handles 10^7 particles as Java applet does not show up at all - just black screen(but this is for different area of the forum.

  • In short (or in shirt?) Droids (and their preinstalled browsers) support javascript canvas based compiled processing sketches (with some glitches on the way(mostly logistics related)) But droids run good box2d and have trouble with nape porting. windows based and blackberries can be jawcrushed and even runned with real applets but with icedtea

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