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I am trying to make really simple click and point game. It would have 4 windows:
I have programmed code that counts time and shows it at left upper corner. My problem is that i want it to start counting time from 3rd window, not since the program is launched. I am begginer and I tried to find something at forums but I failed :( Also I have wrtitten code that allows you to play again without restarting progam (changing window from 4th to 2nd and then to 3rd again). I have tried to reset(?) time while its on 2nd window, it would do job for this two problems, but it didnt worked. This code is quite long so i leave it on my dropbox.
Thanks in advance!
I modified your Time tab like this:
by the usage if timer startTime we don't measure the total time but only the time since last reset
since that the last line in setup() is now
you also need
wherever you want to reset the timerChrisir ;-)
modified tabs rules
not needed here and before setup()my version for main tab
Everything works perfect, thanks!!!