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Hi, I'm new to this forum ;)
I am working on a font with a friend who reacts with the cellphone sensor. He used robofont to make a font with different width weight and using an interpolation script in robofont the can do the transistion between all his versions (this script is written in python) I think there also that each version is .UFO. When he exports this font he gets a .ttf and a .html where he can modify and animate the width of his .ttf
My question is how can one get its font variation settings in processing.
To use it with the ketai android library that allows to use the sensors of the laptop. I also look at the geomerative library to import the .ttf with new RFont ("inter.ttf") and be able to access the path of the font to translate it into svg font.draw (myText), but how to access the opentype parameters ? :-S
I am french, excuse me for my language. Thank you.
You mention python, the code above is CSS and you are talking about ketai (Android Java). How do all connect?
Your font parameters generated by python... how can they be interpreted in Java? If you do this part first, then working with the sensor could be done easily by using one of the examples provided in the ketai lib. It is not clear to me what you have and how you would use this info in Processing. To clarify, you are working in java, right?
A side note: Please no pictures of your code. Instead, copy and paste directly in the forum and make sure you format your code.
*****EDIT: Related => https://forum.processing.org/two/discussion/12791/manipulate-a-custom-type-made-with-ufo#latest