We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
sorry void draw_car() { fill(0); stroke(0); rect(110, 269, 280, 10); rect(150, 255, 50,15); fill(179, 45, 0); ellipse(200,300,50,50); ellipse(145,300,50,50); ellipse(350,300,50,50); fill(0, 51, 204); stroke(0, 51, 204); rect(340, 220, 50,50); rect(260, 150, 80,120); stroke(0); fill(204, 217, 255); rect(280,170,30,80);
Post a runable example, formatted properly. Read the sticky thread to learn how to format your code.
Now, tell us what you want to do. Give details. What does "quiet in line" even mean?