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The download on p5js.org for the p5js complete library and the single file are not working for me....no download happens when pressing the download button. (Other downloads working fine, for example processing download works fine.) This is my day one with p5js and Lauren McCarthy's book as I try to follow the book step-by-step, I want to learn but cannot find another source for download. I did find download for "abandoned offline p5.js compiler" but not sure if this is what I need/want. Any help much appreciated! Please restore the download function on p5js.org. Thank you!
The downloads work fine for me.
They just point to files in the GitHub repo, which you can view here: https://github.com/processing/p5.js/releases
Thanks, KevinWorkman. I downloaded the p5.zip file, only file I understand. (new to github, too) Thanks, GoToLoop, I am so new I don't know what to do with that code but it did get me thinking I was clicking on the wrong index.html file. Now, I can see the ellipse from exercise 1 in Lauren's book. Thank you!
@GoToLoop Please provide explanations with your code.
That "index.html" file is the very minimum template I use to kickstart most of my p5.js sketches. O:-)
2 online sketch examples using that "index.html" kickstart template file: :bz