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Hi everyone !
When trying to draw a noisy circle I'm facing the following problem: the last vertex and the first vertex don't share the same position (due to the applied noise) so "closing" the circle becomes impossible:
How can I fix this ?
def setup():
size(600, 600)
def draw():
n_points = 300
angle = radians(360) / n_points
radius = 300
for e in range(n_points):
n = noise(map(e, 0, n_points, 0, 3))
x = cos(angle * e) * radius * n
y = sin(angle * e) * radius * n
vertex(width / 2 + x, height / 2 + y)
Ok, so this snippet below do the trick BUT I still don't really get what I'm doing.
(Click here to see the motion generated by the noise)![IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE](https://i.imgur.com/msZ6px1.png)
I've recently purchased the amazing "Generative Design" book by Benedikt Gross and found that he doesn't map the noise like I did in this snippet but rather apply noise to "map" (see first post).
In short, he writes something like:
noise(map(value,0,range,0,noiseRange)) * someValue
instead of:
map(noise(x, y), 0, 1, min, max)
Can someone please explain me the difference here ? And why this difference prevented me to close the first circle ?
Thank you.
I think the thing to focus on is how you get Perlin noise to give you repeating values. That's what you want -- a wobbly line that begins at the same height it ends, so that when wrapped in a circle there is no gap.
The basic answer to this question is that it is the ratio of period to octaves that gives you a repeating pattern. In 2D, it creates a "tile" that seemlessly matches its neighbors; in 1D it creates a wrapping line (or a circular outline).
Here is an in-depth discussion of how noise settings affect the way that Perlin noise repeats:
Regarding your specific code question:
Your use of map in
map(noise(x, y), 0, 1, min, max)
seems like it might be the equivalent to Gross's use ofsomeValue
-- it is for scaling the output:`noise(mappedValue) * someValue
His use of map inside noise looks different from yours... notice that map only returns one value, so Gross is only passing noise() a single argument to produce 1D noise.
Thanks a bunch Jeremy, you're the best.