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Hey Guys. I'm in some trouble with my Code.. i am a newbie about Java and now i wrote a Code with my teacher at the university. The problem is, i want to change my paddle movement from KeyPressed to "MouseListener". or i can just add MouseListener to KeyPressed so i can use them both. I just added the MouseListener via implements and then the class says: "The type BreakOut5 must implement the inherited abstract method MouseListener.mouseExited(MouseEvent)"
My second class is to create the ball and the actions.
Thank you in Advance!
import processing.core.PApplet; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*;
public class BreakOut5 extends PApplet implements MouseListener {
public static void main(String[] args)
PApplet.main("javaaufgabe.BreakOut5"); }
int[] stoneHits;
public void settings()
size(500, 500);
ball ball;
public void setup()
this.paddlePos = width / 2 - paddleWidth / 2;
ball = new ball();
ball.ballXPos = width / 2;
stoneHits = new int[width / 80];
int thicc = 15;
public void draw()
fill(0, 0, 0);
ball.ballYPos = ball.ballYPos + ball.ballYSpeed;
void bricks()
int xPos = 30;
int stoneNo = 0;
while (xPos < width)
fill(0 + stoneHits[stoneNo] * 100);
rect(xPos, 50, 40, 15);
xPos += 80;
void hitBrick()
int stoneNumb = 0;
if (50 < ball.ballYPos && ball.ballYPos < 50 + 15)
while (stoneNumb < 6)
int xPos = 30 + 80 * stoneNumb;
if (xPos < ball.ballXPos && ball.ballXPos < xPos + 40 && stoneHits[stoneNumb] < 3)
// hit it
ball.ballYSpeed = -ball.ballYSpeed;
stoneHits[stoneNumb] += 1;
void hitPaddle()
if (ball.ballYPos > height - thicc - 8)
if (paddlePos < ball.ballXPos && ball.ballXPos < paddlePos + paddleWidth)
ball.ballYSpeed = -ball.ballYSpeed;
ball.ballXSpeed = (ball.ballXPos - paddlePos - paddleWidth / 2) / 20;
ball.ballYPos = 42;
void hitWall()
if (ball.ballXPos < thicc)
ball.ballXSpeed = -ball.ballXSpeed;
else if (ball.ballXPos > width - thicc)
ball.ballXSpeed = -ball.ballXSpeed;
if (ball.ballYPos < thicc + 8)
ball.ballYSpeed = -ball.ballYSpeed;
void walls()
rect(0, 0, width, thicc);
rect(0, thicc, thicc, height);
rect(width - thicc, thicc, thicc, height);
int paddlePos = width / 2;
int paddleWidth = 80;
void paddle()
fill(0, 0, 0);
rect(paddlePos, height - thicc - 5, paddleWidth, 2 * thicc);
if (keyPressed && key == 'k')
paddlePos -= 5;
else if (keyPressed && key == 'l')
paddlePos += 5;
} `
IN processing look at mousePressed and mousePressed () (the latter is a function) and mouseX
It’s really simple
Thank you, i forgot, that i can read this topic in processing