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Hey folks, long time no see ;) I am developing a template engine using Processing so we can quit Illustrator when doing data-driven image generation. This little tool basically allows you to pick a template file and write a a bunch of strings loaded from a json file, saving a image for each entry in the json file. The images are exported as PNG, SVG and PDF.
Everything is working fine except when exporting the SVG, I am getting: textMode(SHAPE) is not supported by this renderer.
Text is being rendered as tags inside the svg file instead of Shapes (as I would like to). Everything is good in with PDF and PNG exporting. Tried taking a look at the SVG renderer and it looked almost as a clone of the PDF renderer so that gave me no clue how to fix this issue. Here is my code snippet:
void exportSVG(String entryId, String entryFont, boolean entryIsRTL, JSONArray data, JSONObject geometry) {
String format = "svg";
String filePath = EXPORT_PATH + format + "/" + templateFile + "_" + entryId + "." + format;
PGraphics graphic = createGraphics(templateWidth, templateHeight, SVG, filePath);
graphic.shape(templateShape, 0, 0, templateWidth, templateHeight);
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
JSONArray stringData = data.getJSONArray(i);
String fieldName = stringData.getString(0);
String fieldValue = stringData.getString(1);
if(!geometry.isNull(fieldName)) {
JSONObject fieldGeometry = geometry.getJSONObject(fieldName);
PFont myFont = createFont(entryFont, fieldGeometry.getInt("fontSize"));
graphic.textAlign(alignment.get(fieldGeometry.getString("aligmentX")), alignment.get(fieldGeometry.getString("aligmentY")));
graphic.text(fieldValue, fieldGeometry.getInt("x"), fieldGeometry.getInt("y"));
Edit post, highlight code, press ctrl-o to format
@mperes -- re:
Sounds like fun!
Interestingly, I've seen the error message you list mentioned many times as a red herring -- you get the error, but the output is fine -- for both SVG or PDF renderers.
A much older discussion:
Hey Jeremy,
The SVG is being saved, however the text() is being rendered as a text tag instead of a Path, which is the behavior I would like and that happens to be the case with the PDF Renderer.
The problem is that I am using a lot os custom fonts (multi language translation) and having plain text inside the svg does not help to distribute the files.