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Dear all,
For the last days I've been puzzling on coding this work of lego-ish birdview pyramid.
What I have now is almost good, but the class I'm using to create dashed lines (with colors from an array), are variable length, because it's not limited.
here's the code:
int[] numbers = { 30, 60, 30, 0, 30 };
color [] colarray = {
color(0, 100, 255),
color(255, 255, 0),
color(255, 0, 0),
color(0, 150, 0)};
int col;
void setup( )
size(600, 600, P2D);
void draw( ) {
// top part
for (int i = 0; i < height/2; i = i+20) {
float [ ] dashes = { numbers[(int)random(numbers.length)], numbers[(int)random(numbers.length)], numbers[(int)random(numbers.length)], numbers[(int)random(numbers.length)], numbers[(int)random(numbers.length)]};
dashline(0+i, i+10, width-i, i+10, dashes);
// left part
for (int i = 0; i < width/2; i = i+20) {
float [ ] dashes = { numbers[(int)random(numbers.length)], numbers[(int)random(numbers.length)], numbers[(int)random(numbers.length)], numbers[(int)random(numbers.length)], numbers[(int)random(numbers.length)]};
dashline(i+10, 0+i+20, i+10, height-i-20, dashes);
// bottom part
for (int i = 0; i < height/2; i = i+20) {
float [ ] dashes = { numbers[(int)random(numbers.length)], numbers[(int)random(numbers.length)], numbers[(int)random(numbers.length)], numbers[(int)random(numbers.length)], numbers[(int)random(numbers.length)]};
dashline(0+i, height-i-10, width-i, height-i-10, dashes);
// right part
for (int i = 0; i < width/2; i = i+20) {
float [ ] dashes = { numbers[(int)random(numbers.length)], numbers[(int)random(numbers.length)], numbers[(int)random(numbers.length)], numbers[(int)random(numbers.length)], numbers[(int)random(numbers.length)]};
dashline(width-i+10, 0+i, width-i+10, height-i-20, dashes);
void dashline(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float[ ] spacing)
float distance = dist(x0, y0, x1, y1);
float [ ] xSpacing = new float[spacing.length];
float [ ] ySpacing = new float[spacing.length];
float drawn = 0.0;
if (distance > 0)
int i;
boolean drawLine = true;
for (i = 0; i < spacing.length; i++)
xSpacing[i] = lerp(0, (x1 - x0), spacing[i] / distance);
ySpacing[i] = lerp(0, (y1 - y0), spacing[i] / distance);
i = 0;
while (drawn < distance)
col = color(colarray[(int)random(0, 4)]);
if (drawLine)
line(x0, y0, x0 + xSpacing[i], y0 + ySpacing[i]);
} else {
line(x0, y0, x0 + xSpacing[i], y0 + ySpacing[i]);
x0 += xSpacing[i];
y0 += ySpacing[i];
drawn = drawn + mag(xSpacing[i], ySpacing[i]);
i = (i + 1) % spacing.length;
drawLine = !drawLine; // switch between dash and gap
What you see in the next pic is the problem:
The right diagonal doesn't make a straight line, because the ending sometimes has picks the next values: int[] numbers = { 30, 60, 30, 0, 30 }; . That is what I want, but I want the line to end no matter what number I use. If the required space is 20 then, 60 should be limited to 20.
Hope someone could give a tip.
Thanks in advance
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It's not working.
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Thanks! :-)
I didn't fix your code, but sort of made it work. I translate to the center as you need to do the rotation at the center point of your sketch (In case you are wondering). More info: https://processing.org/tutorials/transform2d/
Translate that into code! If have a variable goal, a variable progress you can make this work!
if(nextline>goal-progress) nextline = goal-progress;
Thanks for the help! I found an easy solution. Didn't realize the strokeweight wasn't corresponding with the lenght of the line. In other words: I fixed the values and added some cleverness with global variables.
original image, later removed