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Hey there if there is anyone willing to help me by answering a few questions. (9) I need someone who is familiar with remote working applications and uses them regularly. The questions are related to remote application topics. If you are interested I can send you the questions that the interviewee would have to answer?
@vza311 -- What do you mean by remote working applications -- do you mean like VNC, RDP, TeamViewer, Splashtop etc.? Or something else?
Why are you asking this question in the Processing forum? Does this relate to Processing in any way -- like, are you interested in people who write "remote applications" using the Processing language?
I mean anyone who works with collaboration application in an office environment or remote work environment. I am asking on multiple forums because I do not know of anyone personally who uses this software or works in an office for that matter. Trying to find help anywhere I can that's all. I just need them to answer a few questions about their experiences with collaboration software or applications
You'll have better luck if you just setup a survey and give out a link. But yeah this doesn't sound like it has anything to do with Processing.
@KevinWorkman is right.
If you do try to recruit people to a survey, you should be more clear. You still haven't said what a "collaboration application" is! Do you mean git? Skype? GChat? Google Docs with multiple simultaneous authors? All of the above? Or do you mean something like Slack, Ryver, Mattermost? If people know what you are asking, they are more likely to answer. Give a definition or examples -- or better, give both.