Creating a 'swap player' feature in my game.

edited March 2018 in Questions about Code

I'm developing a football game for my university project, i'm trying to implement a feature where the user would press '1' to play as the first blue player and could switch on the fly by pressing '2' and '3'; in addition to this i would like to create a feature that highlights the current selected player with a red ring. thank you in advance :) heres my code;

Ball ball;
Timer startTimer;
Blue [] blue = {
new Blue (400, 400, 50, 0, 0, 255),
new Blue (200, 200, 50, 0, 0, 255),
new Blue (200, 600 ,50, 0, 0, 255)

int bScore = 0;
int rScore = 0;

void setup () {
  size (1200, 800);
  startTimer = new Timer (0);
  ball = new Ball (600, 400, 15); 


void draw () {
  drawPitch ();



  textSize (20);
  text (startTimer.getTime(), 575, 20);

  println (mouseX, mouseY);

void keyPressed() {
  if (key == 'a') {
    blue[0].aPressed = true;
  } else if (key == 'd') {
    blue[0].dPressed = true;
  } else if (key == 'w') {
    blue[0].wPressed = true;
  } else if (key == 's') {
    blue[0].sPressed = true;

void  keyReleased () {
  if (key == 'a') {
    blue[0].aPressed = false;
  } else if (key == 'd') {
    blue[0].dPressed = false;
  } else if (key == 'w') {
    blue[0].wPressed = false;
  } else if (key == 's') {
    blue[0].sPressed = false;

class Ball {

  PVector pos1 = new PVector (0, 0);
  PVector velo;

  float radius;
  float m;

  Ball (float x, float y, float r_) {
    pos1 = new PVector (x, y);
    velo = new PVector (0, 0);
    radius = r_;
    m = radius * .1;

  void update () {

  void pCollision () {

    PVector distanceVect = PVector.sub(blue[0].pos, pos1); //GETS DISTANCE BETWEEN THE TWO BALLS
    float minDistance = radius + blue[0].radius-20; //MINIMUM DISTANCE BEFORE THEY TOUCH
    float distanceVectMag = distanceVect.mag();

    if (distanceVectMag < minDistance) {
      float distanceCorrection = (minDistance - distanceVectMag);
      PVector d = distanceVect.copy();
      PVector correctionVector = d.normalize().mult(distanceCorrection);


class Blue {
  boolean wPressed = false;
  boolean dPressed = false;
  boolean sPressed = false;
  boolean aPressed = false;

  PVector pos;
  float radius;
  color Colour = color (0, 0, 255);

  Blue (float x, float y, float r_, int red, int green, int blue) {
    pos = new PVector(x, y);
    radius = r_;
    Colour = color (red, green, blue);

  void displayBlue () {
    fill (Colour);
    ellipse(pos.x, pos.y, radius, radius);

  void boundaryCollision () {

    if (pos.x > width-75) { //RIGHT WALL
      pos.x = width-75;
    } else if (pos.x <75) { //LEFT WALL
      pos.x = 75;
    } else if (pos.y >height -45) { //BOTTOM WALL
      pos.y = height-45;
    } else if (pos.y <45) { //TOP WALL
      pos.y = 45;


  • Answer ✓

    Is Blue your players?

    Just have isActive as a boolean in the class or have an global int actPlayerIndex and fill it with 0,1 OR 2 and use it as index for array blue

  • yes Blue is my players, sorry i should make that clearer and thank you i'll give that a go now and let you know how i get on

  • After line 144 just say if (isActive) line(pos.x......

    So there is a line under the active player

  • In lines 36-44 you‘d basically only move the guy with the active index

    The other 2 you don’t move

  • I'm having trouble getting it started, im pretty new to processing ahah, i get the general idea of what im trying to do though so i think if i can get the index working i'll be okay

  • Just in keyPressed if key 0 Index active =0

    key ==1 index active = 1


    And then evaluate indexActive whereever you need it

  • When i try and declare the blue array in the setup() i'm getting a 'Could not run the sketch' error. (Target VM failed to initialize) any ideas?

  • what do i set the isActive boolean too?

  • the boolean as opposed to the int is a variable inside the class.

    Set it to false for all except for the active player

  • i still can't figure this out... i don't know how to get this section to work;

    class Ball {
      PVector pos1 = new PVector (0, 0);
      PVector velo;
      float radius;
      float m;
      Ball (float x, float y, float r_) {
        pos1 = new PVector (x, y);
        velo = new PVector (0, 0);
        radius = r_;
        m = radius * .1;
      void update () {
      void pCollision () {
        PVector distanceVect = PVector.sub(blue[playerSelect].pos, pos1); //GETS DISTANCE BETWEEN THE TWO BALLS
        float minDistance = radius + blue[playerSelect].radius-20; //MINIMUM DISTANCE BEFORE THEY TOUCH
        float distanceVectMag = distanceVect.mag();
        if (distanceVectMag < minDistance) {
          float distanceCorrection = (minDistance - distanceVectMag);
          PVector d = distanceVect.copy();
          PVector correctionVector = d.normalize().mult(distanceCorrection);
          float t = distanceVect.heading();
          float s = sin (t);
          float c = cos (t);
  • the blue[0] section for all of those will only work for my original player and i can't figure out how to use the boolean instead

  • edited March 2018 Answer ✓

    I wasn’t clear

    The idea is :

    • the main change is in keyPressed and in draw using int activeIndex as an index for the array

    In draw():


    E.g. when it’s 1 only blue[1] moves

    Additionally in the class boolean isActive helps you that each player itself knows internal if it’s active. So it can display a line to mark itself as active.

    In keyPressed():

  • Answer ✓


    (I had to comment out the timer stuff etc., just remove the // signs where needed)

    You can choose active player by pressing 0,1,2 - see the blue line UNDER the blue player. The active player can be steered using 'a' - I haven't done wsd yet.

    Chrisir ;-)

    Ball ball;
    //Timer startTimer;
    Blue [] blue = {
      new Blue (400, 400, 50, 0, 0, 255), 
      new Blue (200, 200, 50, 0, 0, 255), 
      new Blue (200, 600, 50, 0, 0, 255)
    int bScore = 0;
    int rScore = 0;
    int activeIndex = 0; 
    void setup () {
      size (1200, 800);
      //startTimer = new Timer (0);
      ball = new Ball (600, 400, 15);
    void draw () {
      //drawPitch ();
      textSize (20);
      //text (startTimer.getTime(), 575, 20);
      println (mouseX, mouseY);
    void keyPressed() {
      if (key == 'a') {
        blue[activeIndex].aPressed = true;
      } else if (key == 'd') {
        blue[activeIndex].dPressed = true;
      } else if (key == 'w') {
        blue[activeIndex].wPressed = true;
      } else if (key == 's') {
        blue[activeIndex].sPressed = true;
      else if (key == '0') {
        activeIndex = 0;
        blue[0].isActive = true;
        blue[1].isActive = false;
        blue[2].isActive = false;
      else if (key == '1') {
        activeIndex = 1;
        blue[0].isActive = false;
        blue[1].isActive = true;
        blue[2].isActive = false;
      else if (key == '2') {
        activeIndex = 2; 
        blue[0].isActive = false;
        blue[1].isActive = false;
        blue[2].isActive = true;
    void  keyReleased () {
      if (key == 'a') {
        blue[activeIndex].aPressed = false;
      } else if (key == 'd') {
        blue[activeIndex].dPressed = false;
      } else if (key == 'w') {
        blue[activeIndex].wPressed = false;
      } else if (key == 's') {
        blue[activeIndex].sPressed = false;
    class Ball {
      PVector pos1 = new PVector (0, 0);
      PVector velo;
      float radius;
      float m;
      Ball (float x, float y, 
        float r_) {
        pos1 = new PVector (x, y);
        velo = new PVector (0, 0);
        radius = r_;
        m = radius * .1;
      void update () {
      void pCollision () {
        PVector distanceVect = PVector.sub(blue[0].pos, pos1); //GETS DISTANCE BETWEEN THE TWO BALLS
        float minDistance = radius + blue[0].radius-20; //MINIMUM DISTANCE BEFORE THEY TOUCH
        float distanceVectMag = distanceVect.mag();
        if (distanceVectMag < minDistance) {
          float distanceCorrection = (minDistance - distanceVectMag);
          PVector d = distanceVect.copy();
          PVector correctionVector = d.normalize().mult(distanceCorrection);
    }//class Ball -----------------------------------------------------------------
    class Blue {
      boolean wPressed = false;
      boolean dPressed = false;
      boolean sPressed = false;
      boolean aPressed = false;
      boolean isActive = false; 
      PVector pos;
      float radius;
      color Colour = color (0, 0, 255);
      Blue (float x, float y, 
        float r_, 
        int red, int green, int blue) {
        pos = new PVector(x, y);
        radius = r_;
        Colour = color (red, green, blue);
      void displayBlue () {
        fill (Colour);
        ellipse(pos.x, pos.y, radius, radius);
        if (isActive) {
          line(pos.x-12, pos.y+radius-5, 
            pos.x+12, pos.y+radius-5);
          strokeWeight(1); // reset
      void move() {
        if (aPressed) 
      void boundaryCollision () {
        if (pos.x > width-75) { //RIGHT WALL
          pos.x = width-75;
        } else if (pos.x <75) { //LEFT WALL
          pos.x = 75;
        } else if (pos.y >height -45) { //BOTTOM WALL
          pos.y = height-45;
        } else if (pos.y <45) { //TOP WALL
          pos.y = 45;
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