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Hello! I'm somewhat new to p5.js, and I am working on editing an image. While I'm testing I want them side by side to see the difference. I have a start image and a final image. When I use loadpixels() I always end up loading the pixels of the imgstart image. I want to be able to leave that one alone and load the pixels of the final image. I know that I could just ignore it because it affects only one image, but I want it to affect the right one. I tried using something like imgfinal.loadPixels(), but that wasn't working. How can I select what image I am loading and updating the pixels for? Hopefully that makes sense.
var h;
var w;
var imgstart;
var imgfinal;
function preload() {
imgstart = loadImage('headshot.jpg');
imgfinal = loadImage('headshot.jpg');
function setup() {
h = imgstart.height;
w = imgstart.width;
createCanvas(w*2, h);
image(imgstart, 0, 0);
findPixels(); }
function draw() {
image(imgfinal, w, 0);
function findPixels() {
for (var i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) {
var check = Math.random();
if (check > 0.5 && pixels[i] <=254){
pixels[i] = pixels[i]+100;
else if (check <= 0.5 && pixels[i] >=1){
pixels[i] = pixels[i]-100;
Do not load the same resource more than once. [-X
For images, you can clone it instead, using method get(): https://p5js.org/reference/#/p5.Image/get
When we call loadPixels() & updatePixels() and use its pixels[], we're manipulating the sketch's global canvas. L-)
In order to go to a specific p5.Image, use its corresponding methods instead: *-:)