Why is not Processing not running on my computer?

edited March 2018 in Using Processing

Just downloaded Processing on my 64-bit Windows computer. Once installed the computer prompted me to run. I did run. The Processing logo appears for a second and then disappears and nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?



  • I was having this problem myself today and it took me ages to figure out, Simply put go to 'This pc' in file explorer. In the search bar type in Processing(This may take awhile as your computer is searching it's entire file system) Look for the processing folder that has a path similar to Users\username\AppData\Roaming, right click the processing folder and left click 'open folder location'.

    Then Delete the processing folder. Delete the processing folder containing the program as well. Then either re-download or unzip the downloaded folder of processing again and it should work

    To test if this is the problem create a new user account and attempt to run processing on it

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