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Processing 3.2.1. Android Mode 3.0.1
import io.inventit.processing.android.serial.*; //ANDROID
Serial myPort;
String inString="";
void setup() {
myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list(this)[0], 38400);
//===========INCOMING DATA FROM THERMOSTAT=============
void serialEvent(Serial myPort) {
try {
inString = myPort.readString();
catch(RuntimeException e) {
====================================================================== **Error msg : **
What am I doing wrong?
Let me know what went wrong. Help.
I've never used direct otg usb connection, because my kitkat device didn't support it. (only 5.1 and above.) , I only use bluetooth. But ofcourse you are using the same boudrate 38400 in your ino sketch? How do you know that the port really is the the first [0]?
I think [0] is right. Because there is no other device.
I do not know why the OTG USB library does not work.
What do you mean by > API 6.0? You are aware that this lib only support Api level 21 and above? I don't now how this works in Android, but in Windows it can assign any number far higher then number of devices like 45 or whatever. Isn't there within the lib a function that list the ports in the console?
1) Api level 21 UP // right
2) In the print statement, there is no serial list at all.