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Hello! I would like to know how I can make a code to get this kind of result. I imagine different lists of pictures, and each picture would appear instead of the mouse. If one presses "A", a kind of form would appear, if one presses B, another, etc...
So.. I made a little drawing on Illustrator, maybe you will understand my idea more. My problem is that I don't know how to search the different parts of the code on the internet, the key words and all.
Thank you very much for your help!!! ;)
Which part are you stuck on?
The best thing you can do is break your problem down into smaller steps and take those steps on one at a time.
For example, can you create a simple sketch that shows a single image? Work your way forward from there. Can you only show the image after the user presses a particular key? Get that working, and then try to add a second image.
Then if you get stuck, you can post a MCVE along with a more specific question. Good luck.
@GeromineP --
As KevinWorkman suggests, can you:
Once you are at this point, you should be ready to switch between different source images.
Under the reference, look for Image command such as
and mouse commands such asmouseClicked()
. If you haven't already understood the very basics of how to make a sketch withsetup()
do the tutorials first.To get started on your problem you might be interested in looking at related examples:
such as:
Oh! Thank you very much! I'm going to try it like this, and I'll come back after that. :)