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Hi. At first I wanted to show the image of the champion of the list, when their names are added. But I couldnt, so tried something easiest, but I couldnt either xD. Why it is not working ?
The "createElement" is not working.
let counter = 0 ;
let button1;
let champ = ["Shaco", "Zac", "Velkoz", "Ezreal"];
let champImg;
function preload(){
champImg = loadImage(`https://image.ibb.co/gdEFk7/campeon0_jpg.jpg`);
function setup() {
button1 = select("#thisButton");
createElement("img", champImg);
function addChamp(){
let listChamp;
listChamp = createElement("li", champ[counter]);
if(counter === 4){
counter = 0;
I dont think the html file is needed, but.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>A HA!!</title>
<script src="libraries/p5.js"></script>
<script src="libraries/p5.dom.js"></script>
<script src="libraries/p5.sound.js"></script>
<script src="sketch.js"></script>
<h1>What am I doing ?</h1>
<p>A wonderfull list of my LoL mains </p>
<ul id = "listElements">
<button id = "thisButton"> Add the champs </button>
Something like this? :-/
Mm, something like this.
But, first I want to load just one image in the html file from javascript. I think I have an idea of how to putt the images in the right order on the list, but that comes latter
I made it !! First, createElement("img", blabla); was wrong.
I should use createImg(src,[alt],[successCallback]); xd
But, I would like to change the
if(counter === 4){ counter = 0 }
in some way, that reset the counter value depending of the champ.lenght. I tried
if(counter === champ.lenght) { counter = 0; }
but it didnt work.I believe you'd make things much simpler if you simply load & create everything in preload() & setup().
Then use hide() on them all:
And selectively show() the active p5.Element:
In order to reset your counter's current index variable back to zero when it reaches the array's length, use the modulo (remainder) operator when you increment it:
Like this:
counter = (counter + 1) % elementsArray.length;
. :ar!