How can I get multiple iterations of the same object to independently change colour?

edited March 2018 in Questions about Code

I'm an absolute beginner with Processing. I'm attempting to create a simple window with squares that cruise around and bounce off the sides, and change colour when they collide with the sides. I've got the moving and bouncing, but for a reason I can't determine, every single square changes colour when one of them collides with the side. I assume this has something to do with the way Processing's fill() method operates. Can someone help me get the squares to change colour independently (i.e. retain their own colour when another square strikes the side)? Code below. Thank you!

//main code

int number = 100;
BallBounce[] balls = new BallBounce[number];

void setup() {
for(int i = 0; i<number; i++)
balls[i] = new BallBounce();

void draw(){
for(int i = 0; i<number; i++)

//square object

class BallBounce {

 //length and height of the squares
 float x = 20;
 float y = 20;

//x and y locations of the squares
float xPos = random(0,width-x);
float yPos = random(0,height-x);

//direction and velocity of squares
//(negatives determine which direction)
float xDirection = random(-1,1);
float yDirection = random(-1,1);

void update() {
  rect (xPos,yPos,x,y);

float randomColour1 = random(50,255);
float randomColour2 = random(0,255);
float randomColour3 = random(254,255);

//updating the original position by the user-defined
//distance or travel (speed)
xPos = xPos + xDirection;
yPos = yPos + yDirection;

//telling the square to reverse its x or y value
//if its edge collides with the edge of the screen
//and change colour when it does
if(xPos > width-x)
  xDirection = -1;
  fill(randomColour1, randomColour2, randomColour3);

if(xPos < 0)
  xDirection = 1;
  fill(randomColour1, randomColour2, randomColour3);

if(yPos > width-x)
  yDirection = -.5;
  fill(randomColour1, randomColour2, randomColour3);

if(yPos < 0)
  yDirection = .5;
  fill(randomColour1, randomColour2, randomColour3);



  • Thanks GoToLoop, but that doesn't help with my colour problem!

  • Demo below.


    final color INIT_COLOR=color(255, 150, 25);
    int number = 100;
    BallBounce[] balls = new BallBounce[number];
    void setup() {
      size(500, 500);
      for (int i = 0; i<number; i++)  
        balls[i] = new BallBounce();
    void draw() {
      for (int i = 0; i<number; i++) {
    class BallBounce {
      //length and height of the squares
      float x = 20;
      float y = 20;
      color c;
      //x and y locations of the squares
      float xPos;
      float yPos;
      //direction and velocity of squares
      //(negatives determine which direction)
      float xDirection;
      float yDirection;
      BallBounce() {
        xPos = random(0, width-x);
        yPos = random(0, height-x);
        xDirection = random(-1, 1);
        yDirection = random(-1, 1);
      void changeColor() {
        c=color(random(50, 255), random(0, 255), random(200, 255));
      void update() {
        //updating the original position by the user-defined
        //distance or travel (speed)
        xPos = xPos + xDirection;
        yPos = yPos + yDirection;
        //telling the square to reverse its x or y value
        //if its edge collides with the edge of the screen
        //and change colour when it does
        if (xPos > width-x)
          xDirection = -1;
        if (xPos < 0)
          xDirection = 1;
        if (yPos > width-x)
          yDirection = -.5;
        if (yPos < 0)
          yDirection = .5;
        rect (xPos, yPos, x, y);
  • Thank you so much! Now could you please briefly explain what you did?

  • [1] I added a variable c in your BallBounce class. [2] I added a constructor to your class and initialize the color of this object. [3] When update is called, I will change this color only if there is a reversal in direction. For that, I used the new [4] changeColor() function and [5] I remove all the lines related to color in your update() function.


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