Hi! My file wont export to PDF! what shall i do??

edited March 2018 in Questions about Code

//variable colors and leaves color background = color (255, 245, 245); //<>// color blue = color(166, 171, 214, 80); ArrayList list = new ArrayList ();

import processing.pdf.*; boolean capture; //set a boolean for recording a PDF of a single frame;

void setup() { size(700, 700, P2D); background (background); smooth(8);

void draw() { //if (capture) { //beginRecord(PDF, "frame-####.pdf"); //} for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { list.get(i).drawball(); if(list.get(i).s - 7 < 1 && list.get(i).get) { list.remove(i); }

if (capture) { beginRecord(PDF, "frame-####.pdf"); }

// icon click if (capture) { endRecord(); capture = false; } }

void mouseClicked() { list.add(new leaves(mouseX, mouseY, random(10, 30), PI)); }

//maintain branch distinction //maybe if branches had their own colors class leaves { float x, y, s, ix, iy, d; boolean get; leaves(float ixv, float iyv, float sv, float dv) { ix=ixv; iy=iyv; s=sv; x=ix; y=iy; d=dv; }

void drawball() { noStroke(); ellipse(x, y, s, s); //fill(blue); fill( random(255), random(255), random(255), random(255)); //different shading patterns inside the dots in illustrator

get = dist(ix, iy, x, y) > 50;
if(get && s-random(0.25, .75) > 0) {
  list.add(new leaves(x, y, s-10, random(PI/2, PI*1.5)));
  s-=random(0.5, 1);

} }

void keyPressed() { //press the 's' key if you want to save a .tif in your sketch folder if (key == 's') { saveFrame("forest####.tif"); }

if (key == 'c'){ capture = true; } }



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