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hi, I am creating an image with fine strokes, resulting in some pixels that are various shades of grey. What I want to do is go through each pixel and if it is not fully black, make it fully white. I've been using set(xx, yy, color(255)); to successfully set pixels, but when I use the "get" command, the numbers it returns aren't sensible?
How can I determine when a pixel colour is not black please??
(p.s. I know I should be using Pixels() etc but am not that advanced yet!)
thanks in advance!
Also, the reference for color:
i am not fully sure how to solve it
did you solve it?
maybe this:
Just use an if statement and re-write the color.
thanks! - yes this works - seems to work when using the "Pixels" construct. I now understand that color is a 32bit RGBA value :)