Preventing processing-java invoked sketch seizing Mac window focus?

edited March 2018 in How To...

I'm running on iMac Pro using Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.2 and I have a bash script executing in Terminal. (Mac High Sierra uses 3.2.57(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin17)).

This script processes numerous video files using processing-java to run a Processing sketch.

Everything is working fine, but, while that script is executing, when it invokes processing-java, the Mac OS window focus moves over to the Processing graphics window even if I happen to be typing away in another window entering text into a Word document (as I was). So I suddenly find that keystrokes intended for Word (say) are being absorbed by the sketch window. The work-around is easy -- I just have to force the focus back to the Word window, but it's a bit irritating...

I'm tempted to invoke processing-java in background (by putting a terminal "&" on the command line invocation), but I thought I might check to see if anyone else has encountered this problem and whether this is the "approved" way of dealing with it -- actually, I wouldn't mind knowing whether this approach even works and solves the problem! I'll try it...

Thanks in advance for any wisdom...


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