Is it time for a new Forum?



  • @hamoid -- I love this idea, but I'm actually not a forum moderator or host, and don't have access to it -- just a user. Anyone else?

    @REAS -- re:"a few weeks to prepare." How will the old forum be decommissioned during the switch in ~3 weeks? Will it go static, disabling logins -- and should users back up their bookmarks if they want them, resolve all drafts etc. before some specific date?

  • Could we also make a gitter group. It could really help in increasing development speed and simulate IRC.

  • @KevinWorkman Do you know if the new forum has anti-spam tools of any sort?.


  • From a recent thread, re:configuring the new Forum on Discourse:

    @jeremydouglass wrote: Nice CodePen processing.js sketch for the tutorial. My future dream P5 forum would make embedding those for p5.js / processing.js easy here -- stackoverflow-style easy, with those libraries in the quick dropdown menu.

    @KevinWorkman wrote: jeremydouglass: Discourse uses OneBox to automatically embed CodePens in their forum. That's what I use for my forum, it's really nice.

  • @himanshuc3 -- a major purpose of the forum is to support first-time coders who are using Processing, often as students or hobbyists. The forum then allows most questions to get answers from a fairly small group of people in under ~48 hours. Gitter might not work so well for that....

  • Do you know if the new forum has anti-spam tools of any sort?.

    Sure. First off users are given trust levels, where new users have restrictions on what they can post and more experienced users are given access to moderation tools. This concept of community moderation means that we don't need a large team of dedicated moderators.

  • edited March 2018

    Well, a suggestion i'd have, wether we change forum or not, would be to change the search system a bit. Like basing it more on the tags, than on actual word search. For example if your searching for a way to implement libraries, just select 2 tags (implement, library) and then if you search for export libraries (export, library). Should be easy to understand for beginners and be way easier to find results corresponding to what you're looking for. In short just using verbs and objects to find results. This way, unnecessary words wouldnt be used and mess with the result. Though the example might bad... (another example : how to make the framerate higher; then only the word framerate would be needed, or maybe also the word adjust) what more, you could make the search function search for corresponding tags, instead of posts, and then just select the tags you really intended. Also, maybe a wider and more specific range of categories would be good in general. Like UsingProcessing/HowTo.../PShape/Vertex or something like that, instead of stopping at howto. I know this would make it a lot more similar to the Processing Javadocs, but i dont think it would be overlapping (or at most, it could be even better than the javadoc, since beginnerfriendly examples would be applied more, while still conserving(?) the need for the javadocs, as more advanced and specific information.) Thats basically all... i think :)

    Edit: btw, i just notice, that apparently the dates of comments are sometimes off. For example this comments and the last ones. why is that one 1 hour after this one? XD (might change as time passes, but currently this post says 11:18AM and the other one 12:29AM

  • @Lexyth My impression is that the Discourse search system just works. You can try it at One good thing is that you type something, wait a second and see results without reloading the page, so you can iterate and refine your search by adding, changing or removing keywords depending on what you get. Also, your search is stored temporarily so if you click on a result and it's not what you want, you click search again and the other search results are still there for you to click.

  • whyt annoys me is the block when post 3 times within 30 seconds, though I understand why

    also that you cannot post very long sketches in one go

  • whyt annoys me is the block when post 3 times within 30 seconds, though I understand why

    I am sure this is a setting that can be adjusted. It might also adjust based on your user level, which automatically increases as you participate.

    also that you cannot post very long sketches in one go

    What do you mean by this one? I don't think people should be posting long sketches anyway (narrow it down to a simple sketch that isolates the problem), but I've never seen this limit.

  • long sketches:

    I have this when I post sketches to help others, e.g. here:

    where I had to split the sketch and post it in two posts

    but in theory, I could make a mcve and let the novice do the hard work...

  • Yeah, I think 500 lines of code is probably more than we want to encourage people to post.

    But are you talking about the current forum or Discourse?

  • the current one

  • Ah, gotcha. I was talking about Discourse. Nevermind me. :p

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