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Hello everybody ! I've been trying to use a video as a dynamic mask. But for some reason the following code doesn't seem to work.
import processing.video.*;
Movie mov;
boolean cheatScreen;
PImage img;
void setup() {
size(displayWidth, displayHeight);
// Start capturing the images from the camera
mov = new Movie(this, "ad.mp4");
mov.volume(0); //Uncomment if you want to hear the audio
img = loadImage("stars.jpeg");
void draw() {
if (mov.available() == true) {
PImage tmpImg = img.get((width/2)+round(sin(frameCount*0.03)*width*0.25),0,width,height);
PImage tmpImg2 = createImage(width, height, RGB);
tmpImg2.copy(mov,0,0, mov.width, mov.height, 0,0, width, height);//This does the resize itself
// PGraphics g = createGraphics(width,height);
// mov.loadPixels();
// tmpImg2.loadPixels();
// tmpImg.loadPixels();
// g.beginDraw();
// g.loadPixels();
// for(int i=0;i<g.pixels.length;i++) if(brightness(tmpImg2.pixels[i])<1) g.pixels[i] = tmpImg.pixels[i];
// g.updatePixels();
// g.endDraw();
set(0, 0, tmpImg);
if(cheatScreen) set(0, 0, mov);
text(frameRate, 20, 20);
void keyPressed() {
switch (key) {
case 'g':
case 'c':
cheatScreen = !cheatScreen;
I've also tried to apply a mask using a per pixel function, been the latter too slow for realtime rendering. Any Help would be appreciated !
Dunno much about this Movie class. So it's just a risky bet of mine: :-SS
Thanks for answering @GoToLoop !
Movie class is actually part of the Video library.
*I have to copy the whole Movie object in order to resize it, and I can't change Mov object size as it results in a buffer overflow.
*I wouldn't care about instantiating PImage just once on the setup(), as overriding its value would mean harder work for the garbage collector, and using it inside draw makes the garbage collector free space as soon as draw() ends. Anyway, just 30 or 60 frames per second its not a huge overhead.
That PImage is uselessly being recreated exactly the same all the time @ 60 FPS!
Since you need it around constantly, you can avoid the hassle of dynamically re-allocating it and spare Java's GB at the same time!
Just instantiate it once within setup()! :> Check it out my mod below. It's called imgMsk now:
I'm using 64-bit OpenJDK, and it seems incompatible to that video library. So I can't test it! :(
Nevertheless, I'm taking the risk of using a Movie object as it were a PImage 1! :ar!
Well, you can tell us all whether it can possibly work or not: :P
Oh, I can see your point ! Fool me..he he..
Still, the main point is that I can see the mask-video being resized, but it's like it can't be used as a mask.
Here are some snapshots:
The First one is with the mask applied.
This one is the video as mask.
I'm afraid that the last code you posted doesn't work. As I said, images must be the same size. And resizing the Video results in:
Realtime masking like this can be best done using a shader:
See: File > Examples > Topics > Shaders > ImageMask
So did somebody succeed in using a video as a mask with shaders?
Would love to know.
Thanks guys!
Yeah, I made it..Do not expect a refined code from an GLSL programmer...anyway:
blur.glsl it's the same one used in the blur example in the shaders topic.
Nice, will try this out. Thanks!
So I've been having performance issues. Screen freezes mainly which I concluded are due to the garbage collector. Is there a way to avoid using the JVM GC as I have enough ram for the assets and data to stay in memory for the length of the sketch?
Any tricks to avoid these garbage collection performance issues?
It works fairly good for me. If I set 1920*1080 it starts to lag a little bit, especially using the blur.glsl. But at lower resolutions it should work like a charm. Anyway, I realized there are some improvements over my code:
On the other hand, regarding to you question about the GB. It's not possible to tell the VM to execute the GB when you want, as far as I know you can give it a hit, but the VM will do whatever it wants anyway. Another perfoance booster should be to decrease the mask's image size, as it has to go to the video card and that's a bottleneck as well. Check if the previous code gives you a performance boost and let me know. :)
Oh, using the P3D renderer also gave me a performance boost about 6 fps.
I created example to how to mask a video & camera. It is very simple.
Have a look at: https://github.com/avrahamcohen/Processing---Video-Camera-Mask-Example..git