How to create a gif file in this manner?

Groom name is KARTHI and Bride name is KRITHI

I want an arrow shooting "A" in Groom name K"A"RTHI towards down and want to insert "I" (may be a heart symbol is pushing this I from top to place in between R and T) between "R" and "T" in Groom name KAR_THI.

I don't know any coding to do this as I'm manual test engineer .

Any leads are appreciated.

Thanks In Advance.


  • edited February 2018

    It sounds like you are trying to create a wedding announcement with animated kinetic typography elements?

    Designing a letter animation sequence like you are describing can be done in Adobe After Effects / Flash / Animate / Premiere, or even in Microsoft Powerpoint / Apple Keynote (with some limitations).

    If you are truly a beginner you could also investigate pre-formatted kinetic typography of this kind, for example from RenderForest, and see if it meets your needs:

    If you want to build it from scratch in Processing, you can -- for do-it-yourself, consider starting with the text examples and tutorials:

    An example made in After Effects:

  • // Example 17-6: Text breaking up 
    PFont f;
    String message = "KARTHI and KRITHI";
    // An array of Letter objects
    Letter[] letters;
    void setup() {
      size(480, 270);
      // Load the font
      f = createFont("Arial", 20);
      // Create the array the same size as the String
      letters = new Letter[message.length()];
      // Initialize Letters at the correct x location
      int x = 125;
      for (int i = 0; i < message.length (); i ++ ) {
        // Letter objects are initialized with their location within the String as well as what character they should display.
        letters[i] = new Letter(x, 140, message.charAt(i)); 
        x += textWidth(message.charAt(i));
      letters[1].y = 23;
      letters[1].oldy = 23;
      letters[13].y = 23;
      letters[13].oldy = 23;
    void draw() {
      for (int i = 0; i < letters.length; i ++ ) {
        // Display all letters
        //   // If the mouse is pressed the letters shake
        //   // If not, they return to their original location
        //   if (mousePressed) {
        //     letters[i].shake();
        //   } else {
        //     letters[i].goHome();
        //   }
    // ==================================================================
    // Learning Processing
    // Daniel Shiffman
    // Example 17-6: Text breaking up 
    // A class to describe a single Letter
    class Letter {
      char letter;
      // The object knows its original " home " location
      float homex, homey;
      // As well as its current location
      float x, y;
      float oldx, oldy; 
      float amt=.01;
      Letter(float x_, float y_, 
        char letter_) {
        homex = x = x_;
        homey = y = y_;
        letter = letter_;
      // Display the letter
      void display() {
        text(letter, x, y);
      // Move the letter to target
      void goHome() {
        if (amt>=1) 
        x = lerp(oldx, homex, amt);
        y = lerp(oldy, homey, amt);
      // Move the letter randomly
      void shake() {
        x += random(-2, 2);
        y += random(-2, 2);
      // At any point, the current location can be set back to the home location by calling the home() function.
      void home() { 
        x = homex;
        y = homey;
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