Problems while trying to obtain an .apk

edited February 2018 in Android Mode

Hi everyone, i was trying to export a signed package and got the following error:

    C:\Users\MyUser\AppData\Local\Temp\android3773484529728961458sketch\app\build.gradle: Error: Project depends on, so it must also depend (as a provided dependency) on [GradleCompatible]

       Explanation for issues of type "GradleCompatible":
       There are some combinations of libraries, or tools and libraries, that are
       incompatible, or can lead to bugs. One such incompatibility is compiling
       with a version of the Android support libraries that is not the latest
       version (or in particular, a version lower than your targetSdkVersion.)

    1 errors, 0 warnings

I thought that there was something wrong with my code, so i've made the following, just to try:

    void setup()
    void draw()

and got the same error. The AndroidManifiest.xml it's the following one:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <manifest xmlns:android="" android:versionCode="2" android:versionName="1.1" package="com.example.prueba">
        <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="17" android:targetSdkVersion="26"/>
        <application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="">
            <activity android:name=".MainActivity" android:theme="@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar.FullScreen">
                    <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
                    <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>

And i've added the necesary icon-36, 48, 72, 96, 144 and 192 .jpg files to export the app



  • edited February 2018 Answer ✓

    An solution that i found to generate the APK is:

    In processing:

    ·Export Android project

    With android studio:

    1-Import Project

    2-Use Android Studio's SDK

    3-Select the Android folder generated on the folder of your sketch

    4-Wait for everything to build up (it takes time, if your code is long, it will take more (for the example code above it took about 5 mins, and for my real code took over 15 mins, at least with my average pc))

    5-Go to Build

    6-Build APK(s)

    7-Again, wait for everything to build up (this process can take three times less than the other)

    8-The .apk file will be on the path of your processing sketch, then ==>\android\app\build\outputs\apk\debug\

    This process it's a little bit anoying, since processing "offers" a solution to export the apk, but it didn't work for me

  • @erwrow

    Thanks for sharing your solution.


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