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... unless you want an accidental out-of-scope assignment to be not faulted, and cause mystery NullPointerException on graphics calls.
Anyone have a complete list of toxic variable names to avoid?
If we always declare the variables we're gonna use, they won't conflict w/ existing 1s. :-\"
As @GoToLoop says, the general solution is to declare your variables. If you want the complete list of everything that could be accidentally redifined scope, the ultimate place to check is the source code.
- https://github.com/processing/processing/blob/master/core/src/processing/core/PApplet.java#L10829
A close approximation (and much easier read) is the JavaDoc documentation.
is listed in PApplet (along with a lot of other things!). The JavaDoc also has an alphabetical index.We actually talked about
in a recent thread of yours earlier this month.And as I had already mentioned there: L-)