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alsalam ealaykum Can you help me for code programming *** processing ***? I want a code for > Displaying elements sequentially if put object in smart table
Hello and welcome!
What do you mean by "put object in smart table" please?
Ah, I see, a table for output and input.
Chrisir ;-)
Hello make skip for that "put object in smart table"
I want the code I want a code for > Displaying elements sequentially
like that first display num1 than 2.....

code for display text with images in sequence
Thank very much,,,You're great
I apologize, not that I want on the same page as the PowerPoint page, and if we click on the mouse, the title gets the title and therefore the content is 1,2,3,4
That‘s hard to understand.
You can click the keyboard to go to next page
You can add more pages the way I did for page 0 and 1
You can use a function void mousePressed () { state++;}
state is the number of your page
No this is not required
I saw the attached picture this is my project
I want to display the content sequentially
do you speak Arabic??
I don’t speak arabic, sorry!
I saw your image
You need to Program the content for each page
I just wanted to show how to do it sequentially
Ok no problem just want to text without pictures
Here, have a nice example that uses states.
Ok thanks i will try it
and I want to add animations moving horizontally in the format gif
Do it step by step
Don’t do the animation now
Do the other parts with pages and text and images first
Post your code here then
When images are involved load it up to github
I apologized but did not understand
Break your idea down into steps
Take one step after another step
Do you use google translate?
yes this ---> do you have the animation inside one single gif (that’s moving in itself)
as said, skip the animation for now and do the pages first, since animation is only decoration
for later:
you wrote:
then follow kfrajers link from the other discussion: https://forum.processing.org/two/search?Search=gifanimation
Best, Chrisir ;-)
Ok thanks, i will try it
here is an example code for playing one gif:
and here is the same thing but in addition moving left to right :
how to add this library gifAnimation???
How to add code Here?????
@Asma_ Please format your code. Edit your post (gear on top right side of any of your posts), select your code and hit ctrl+o. Leave an empty line above and below your block of code. Details here: https://forum.processing.org/two/discussion/15473/readme-how-to-format-code-and-text
You need to download the library from the github repo. Click on the button clone or download on the right side: https://github.com/01010101/GifAnimation
Notice Chrisir provide the link in his post: https://forum.processing.org/two/discussion/12737/gifanimation-for-processing-v3
To install the library, follow the instructions in Manual install here: https://github.com/processing/processing/wiki/How-to-Install-a-Contributed-Library
The reason why you need to do a manual install is because it seems the current library in the PDE's Library Manager has not been updated to Processing 3.3.6.
Possible correct this code
Please explain where did you get the library from? What version of Processing are you using? Also, in the PDE, go to the menu File>>Examples Then go to the folder Contributed libraries>>GifAnimation and run the provided examples. Tell us if they work or if they don't.
i put copy the gifAnimation-folder into your Processing libraries folder,,, version of Processing3.3.6.
examples they don't work the same error
If you want the display content automatically after code object, what i do?
Why are you making this so hard for yourself?
@koogs How do I do I do not know this language???
just give better names like imgMap, imgLocation .......
This is not my problem , but ok thanks
get one gif working, in a different sketch
do one thing at a time.
@Lexyth Please convert this code to the code you sent before
@Lexyth Please convert this code to the code you sent before
@Lexyth Here I get the error
Nothing is displayed @Lexyth
Please format your code
ok thanks,,you're great
Hey, for some reason my account and all the answers got deleted, so i'll repost the final answer again. :
This is the final answer, even though you could just do the same without having it as a hashmap.