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Hi I'm completely new to processing and stuck with an assignment. I have to make a drone like object move with my mouse. It should look something like this (https://drive.google.com/open?id=10-_ZW6T4q-o3Hhx01RsRXMZP4ifbxk_k). I am done with most of it but not sure how to make the rectangular body and the lines connecting it move. Any suggestions will be very helpful thank you. Here's my code (sorry if I made any stupid mistakes I'm still learning):
final float CANVAS_SIZE = 500;
final float SCALE_DRONE = 0.5;
final float PROP_FRAME_DIA = ((CANVAS_SIZE*9)/25)*SCALE_DRONE;//propeller frame diameter
final float INNER_CIRCLE_DIA = (CANVAS_SIZE/25)*SCALE_DRONE;//inner circle diameter
final float CEN_X_LEFT = (CANVAS_SIZE/5)*SCALE_DRONE;//top-left and bottom-left cicrcle center X
final float CEN_X_RIGHT = ((CANVAS_SIZE*4)/5)*SCALE_DRONE;//top-right and bottom-right cicrcle center X
final float CEN_Y_TOP = (CANVAS_SIZE/5)*SCALE_DRONE;//top-left and top-right cicrcle center Y
final float CEN_Y_BOTTOM = ((CANVAS_SIZE*4)/5)*SCALE_DRONE;//bottom-left and bottom-right cicrcle center Y
final float RECT_WIDTH = ((CANVAS_SIZE*3)/10)*SCALE_DRONE;//width of rectangular drone body
final float RECT_HEIGHT = ((CANVAS_SIZE*3)/5)*SCALE_DRONE;//height of the rectangular drone body
final float X_80 = ((CANVAS_SIZE*4)/25)*SCALE_DRONE;//x-value 80
final float X_60 = ((CANVAS_SIZE*3)/25)*SCALE_DRONE;//x-value 60
final float X_40 = ((CANVAS_SIZE*2)/25)*SCALE_DRONE;//x-value 40
final float X_20 = ((CANVAS_SIZE)/25)*SCALE_DRONE;//x-value 20
void setup() {
background(255);//canvas background
size(500,500);//canvas size
void draw() {
void drawBody() {
//drone body
fill(0,0,255);//blue color
strokeWeight(20);//rectangle border width
rect(PROP_FRAME_DIA, CEN_Y_TOP, RECT_WIDTH, RECT_HEIGHT);//rectangular drone body
void drawTopLeftProp(){
//propeller frame
fill(255);//white color
strokeWeight(5);//top-left propeller frame border width
ellipse(mouseX - CEN_X_LEFT, mouseY - CEN_Y_TOP, PROP_FRAME_DIA, PROP_FRAME_DIA);//Top-left circle
//inner circle
fill(0);//black color
ellipse(mouseX - CEN_X_LEFT, mouseY - CEN_Y_TOP, INNER_CIRCLE_DIA, INNER_CIRCLE_DIA);//Top-left inner circle
strokeWeight(10);//top-left mount width
line(CEN_X_LEFT, CEN_Y_TOP, CEN_X_LEFT + X_80, CEN_Y_TOP + X_40);//Top-left mount
fill(255,0,0);//red color
triangle(mouseX - CEN_X_LEFT, mouseY - (CEN_Y_TOP - X_60), mouseX - CEN_X_LEFT, mouseY - CEN_Y_TOP, mouseX - (CEN_X_LEFT + X_20), mouseY - (CEN_Y_TOP - X_20));//propeller 1
triangle(mouseX - CEN_X_LEFT, mouseY - CEN_Y_TOP, mouseX - CEN_X_LEFT, mouseY - (CEN_Y_TOP + X_60), mouseX - (CEN_X_LEFT - X_20), mouseY - (CEN_Y_TOP + X_20));//propeller 2
void drawTopRightProp(){
//propeller frame
fill(255);//white color
strokeWeight(5);//top-right propeller frame border width
ellipse(mouseX + CEN_X_RIGHT, mouseY - CEN_Y_TOP, PROP_FRAME_DIA, PROP_FRAME_DIA);//Top-right circle
//inner circle
fill(0);//black color
ellipse(mouseX + CEN_X_RIGHT, mouseY - CEN_Y_TOP, INNER_CIRCLE_DIA, INNER_CIRCLE_DIA);//Top-right inner circle
strokeWeight(10);//top-right mount width
line(CEN_X_RIGHT, CEN_Y_TOP, CEN_X_RIGHT - X_80, CEN_Y_TOP + X_40);//Top-right mount
fill(255,0,0);//red color
triangle(mouseX + CEN_X_RIGHT, mouseY - (CEN_Y_TOP - X_60), mouseX + CEN_X_RIGHT, mouseY - CEN_Y_TOP, mouseX + (CEN_X_RIGHT + X_20), mouseY - (CEN_Y_TOP - X_20));//propeller 3
triangle(mouseX + CEN_X_RIGHT, mouseY - CEN_Y_TOP, mouseX + CEN_X_RIGHT, mouseY - (CEN_Y_TOP + X_60), mouseX + (CEN_X_RIGHT - X_20), mouseY - (CEN_Y_TOP + X_20));//propeller 4
void drawBottomLeftProp(){
//propeller frame
fill(255);//white color
strokeWeight(5);//bottom-left propeller frame border width
ellipse(mouseX - CEN_X_LEFT, mouseY + CEN_Y_BOTTOM, PROP_FRAME_DIA, PROP_FRAME_DIA);//Bottom-left circle
//inner circle
fill(0);//black color
ellipse(mouseX - CEN_X_LEFT, mouseY + CEN_Y_BOTTOM, INNER_CIRCLE_DIA, INNER_CIRCLE_DIA);//Bottom-left inner circle
strokeWeight(10);//bottom-left mount width
line(CEN_X_LEFT, CEN_Y_BOTTOM, CEN_X_LEFT + X_80, CEN_Y_BOTTOM - X_40);//Bottom-left mount
fill(255,0,0);//red color
triangle(mouseX -CEN_X_LEFT, mouseY + (CEN_Y_BOTTOM - X_60), mouseX - CEN_X_LEFT, mouseY + CEN_Y_BOTTOM, mouseX - (CEN_X_LEFT + X_20), mouseY + (CEN_Y_BOTTOM - X_20));//propeller 5
triangle(mouseX -CEN_X_LEFT, mouseY + CEN_Y_BOTTOM, mouseX - CEN_X_LEFT, mouseY + (CEN_Y_BOTTOM + X_60), mouseX - (CEN_X_LEFT - X_20), mouseY + (CEN_Y_BOTTOM + X_20));//propeller 6
void drawBottomRightProp(){
//propeller frame
fill(255);//white color
strokeWeight(5);//bottom-right propeller frame border width
ellipse(mouseX + CEN_X_RIGHT, mouseY + CEN_Y_BOTTOM, PROP_FRAME_DIA, PROP_FRAME_DIA);//Bottom-right circle
//inner circle
fill(0);//black color
ellipse(mouseX + CEN_X_RIGHT, mouseY +CEN_Y_BOTTOM, INNER_CIRCLE_DIA, INNER_CIRCLE_DIA);//Bottom-right inner circle
strokeWeight(10);//bottom-right mount width
line(CEN_X_RIGHT, CEN_Y_BOTTOM, CEN_X_RIGHT - X_80, CEN_Y_BOTTOM - X_40);//Bottom-right mount
fill(255,0,0);//red color
triangle(mouseX + CEN_X_RIGHT, mouseY + (CEN_Y_BOTTOM - X_60), mouseX + CEN_X_RIGHT, mouseY + CEN_Y_BOTTOM, mouseX + (CEN_X_RIGHT + X_20), mouseY + (CEN_Y_BOTTOM - X_20));//propeller 7
triangle(mouseX + CEN_X_RIGHT, mouseY + CEN_Y_BOTTOM, mouseX + CEN_X_RIGHT, mouseY + (CEN_Y_BOTTOM + X_60), mouseX + (CEN_X_RIGHT - X_20), mouseY + (CEN_Y_BOTTOM + X_20));//propeller 8
Look at translate() in the reference. You can skip the mouseX, mouseY stuff in all your shape commands and just call translate before calling them. (Similarly your 4 props look like that same code just translated so you could reduce them to a single method)
Beware, though, that translation is accumulative so you'll need pushMatrix / popMatrix as well.
All these things you are drawing - ellipses, lines, rectangles, etc - all use parameters to the functions that draw them to determine where they should be.
For the drawn items making up the propellers, you are adding the mouseX and mouseY values to the position. This allows them to move when the mouse moves. Are you doing this for the body of the drone too? Could you?
You might also look into using the
function.(ha ha)
Thank you very much that was very helpful! Wow this method was way organized than my noob approach lol.
So you repay our helpfulness by deleting your question?