We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
It appears someone has used the Gallery for bullying and spam.
How can this be addressed?
The Gallery is in Processing Hour of Code // Computer Science Education Week // Code.org seen on 2018-02-06 at 7.37.42 PM
Link please?
Write an email to them.
i saw this, and the 'help' link just links here. there's not a lot of contact details. it's also very open to abuse - anyone can post anything and there's no obvious attribution in order to trace anything back (although, at a guess, i suspect br4nd0n v45qu3z)
http://hello.processing.org and click on gallery.
I have sent an email to Processing Foundation. Thanks for reporting it. :)
Thank you for alerting us to the posts. I've removed some of the sketches manually and am now looking into a way of batch removing the rest (everything is stored via firebase). Once I get this sorted out I'll think about if there is a way we can build in more protections.
I have opened a github issue to continue this discussion (but here is ok too of course).
The sketches have been removed. Please let us know if this happens again.
Thank you! I appreciate your help and support.