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hello everyone! I am a beginner at Processing, though i know the basics, and I know absolutely nothing about Arduino. However I have an assignment that requires extending an Processing application we have made to Arduino.
The concept of my Processing app is a simple mini game that measures reaction time,how fast you can pop 20 balloons by clicking on them,then you are presented with your time and the game restarts.
Could someone give me any ideas or starting pointers for a concept and how I would go about doing this? Thank You!
If I were you I'd try to leave out this type of negative info.
The best advice we can give you is to break your problem down into smaller pieces. Get a simple "hello world" program working in Processing and Arduino. Don't worry about your end goal, just get something basic working.
Also, you need to be more specific about exactly what you want to do. What are you using the Arduino for?
Then if you get stuck, you can post a MCVE along with a more specific technical question. Good luck.
How do you envision doing that? Do you have an electronic kit? Have you run any of the arduino's provided examples?
I don't have an electronic kit, thats why this is quite tricky as I can't test anything out :/ The assignment is due tomorrow so I need at least a written concept that links my processing game, so am in a bit of a pickle as we haven't been taught anything about arduino at all!
If you don't have an Arduino to test on then you aren't going to be able to write any Arduino code. I'm not sure what else you're hoping for?
I suggest you google "Arduino quick start" and review some sample programs from those guide. Stick to digital examples (ignore any analog examples for now). The concept is that you can feed a signal to one of your pins. The signal can be change by a external trigger (Think of a push button - a physical control - similar to a door bell). In your code, you monitor the arduino pin that you configure to read the signal. You count every time the signal changes from low to high or visc. (depends on your design).
Notice this concept can be applied in processing without using an arduino. The analog example consist of checking when the user clicks with the mouse. Can you count how many times a user clicks the mouse in 20 secs?