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Hi! A client of mine wants to use the sketch I made at the beginning of their PowerPoint presentation. I couldn't find a way to insert the javascript code into PPT, so I guess I'm left with capturing the animation as video and inserting it into PPT. Are there any good tools to do this?
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
For something quick and dumb, I just use Screen to Gif.
For more advanced captures, there is a ton of screen capture software out there. Google is your friend here.
Thanks again Kevin. Screen to Gif looks good!
Found a great tool which captures GIF, WebM and MP4. You can adjust the capture area, set framerate, and show/hide mouse cursor. It's called Kap: https://getkap.co/
Nice, thxs for sharing.
Also thank you all! Myself I've been using for a long time another program (https://altami-studio.soft32.com/)
Thanks for the tip! I also tried to use ccapture.js, since it should be able to capture in a constant framerate, but couldn't make it work. I'm quite new to JS and P5, but for those more tech savy it would be worth checking out: