We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
I put together a game with real basic functionality, graphics, etc to see if interest would warrant further development & greater graphics.
You can check out the actual game here:
very impressive!
where did you get the art work...?
Thank you Chrisir! I made the non-Processing generated shapes with Gimp, a popular Photo Shop Alternative. Using the feature to draw a selection area with the mouse combined with the "fill" feature and a "burn/lighten feature" you can make basic pictures quite fast & shade for depth when wanted. Granted all the current art is pretty small, a place holder for when I have the energy/time to improve them.
Fixed some bugs & added some features and such, but the most notable change is an upgrade to the environment graphics! Hoping the current BETA build is approved and live soon.

Added some other fun features like the predictable zombie mode and a forcefield that gets knocked around by moving murderous blocks instead of allowing the player to be squished.