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I'm currently working on a voxel engine game and I would like to implement fog, however poking through the opengl library I can't seem to find any reference to that OpenGL function.
Any help?
advanced jogl in processing
opengl reference:
google search:
So it appears that glFog is only available in GL2.
I'm able to get the GL2 context from the GL2ES2 gl like this
pgl = (PJOGL) beginPGL(); GL2ES2 gl = pgl.gl.getGL2ES2() GL2 = gl.getGL2()
I'm able to access the glFog() functions but when I run the program I get the error
com.jogamp.opengl.GLException: Not a GL2 implementation
I'm stuck...
Nevermind, I had to set PJOGL.profile = 1;
in settings() to have backwards compatibility. Thanks for the help nabr!
It will work with an older version of processing version 2.2.1
Hey nabr, I downloaded processing 2.2.1 and ran the pastebin sketch.. It still didn't work. I'm giving up on the glFog idea and i'm probably just gonna learn how to write a fog shader... Thanks for the help regardless.