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Hey guys, i am currently working on a project where i need to read a database once to store a specific word in a variable, trigger a video to play and then repeat. However i can load the database in and pick out that specific word but when i get to the triggering it is like it plays one frame of the video and then freezes until the next repeat, I can't seem to solve this and some help would be great. Ill post my code below.
import processing.video.*;
Movie joyMov, sadnessmMov, angerMov, fearMov, analyticalMov, confidentMov, tentativeMov;
JSONArray values;
String mLab = "";
String Joy = "Joy";
String Fear = "Fear";
String Anger = "Anger";
String Sadness = "Sadness";
String Analytical = "Analytical";
String Confident = "Confident";
String Tentative = "Tentative";
String tone1;
void setup() {
size(640, 360);
joyMov = new Movie(this, "joy.mp4");
sadnessmMov = new Movie(this, "");
angerMov = new Movie(this, "");
fearMov = new Movie(this, "");
analyticalMov = new Movie(this, "");
confidentMov = new Movie(this, "");
tentativeMov = new Movie(this, "");
void draw() {
float count = frameCount % 150;
if (count == 0) {
if(tone1.equals(Joy) == true) {
println("the tone is: Joy");
} else if(tone1.equals(Anger) == true) {
println("the tone is: Anger");
} else if(tone1.equals(Sadness) == true) {
println("the tone is: Sadness");
} else if(tone1.equals(Fear) == true) {
println("the tone is: Fear");
} else if(tone1.equals(Analytical) == true) {
println("the tone is: Analytical");
} else if(tone1.equals(Confident) == true) {
println("the tone is: Confident");
} else if(tone1.equals(Tentative) == true) {
println("the tone is: Tentative");
void readDB(){
//load json from mlabs db
values = loadJSONArray(mLab);
//for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
JSONObject tweet = values.getJSONObject(values.size()-1);
//String location = tweet.getString("location");
//String text = tweet.getString("tweet");
//tone = tweet.values.getString("tone");
tone1 = tweet.getString("tone");
//println(location + " | " + text + " | " + tone);
void movieEvent(Movie m) {
void playJoyMov() {
image(joyMov, 0, 0, width, height);
You are only updating anything every 150 frames, and only then if the json is correct, which it isn't, mlab is empty.
Introduce a current video global. Display the current frame from the current movie in every draw loop.
Your 150th frame checking should be changed to decide which video is current.