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Hello, I am trying to make an asteroids game for my video game programming class, and I want to make my bullet circle move with my ship so it shoots out of the ship instead of just shooting from the center of the screen. Here is my code, and a link to the the whole program. Google Drive Link Thanks, Mason
import processing.sound.*; //Import the processing sound library into the program
SoundFile shoot, thrust; //Set the shooting sound & the thrust sound
float a1X, a1Y, a2X, a2Y, a3X, a3Y, aD1, aD2, aD3, hbX, hbY, SmvX, SmvY, sAng, sRot, shotMV;
float clickX, clickY;
float bDia = 200;
float sX = 900, sY = 500;
float dbW; //Damage Bar
float bX = sX; //Bullet X = Ship X
float bY = sY - 25; //Bullet Y = Ship Y-25
float speedVar = 0.1; //Speed Variable for the ship to accelerate at
float sDia = 35; //The ships collision circle
int bW = 4, bH = 4; //Bullet width & height
float bSpd = 10; //Bullet speed
color red = color(255, 0, 0); //Color variable to make the bullet red
PImage ship, a1, a2, a3, sViz; //Image variables
PFont pixel; //Font variable
boolean accel = false; //Boolean for the ship to accelerate or not
boolean shot = false; //Boolean for if the bullet is shot
boolean rules = true; //Boolean for if the rules need to be displayed or not
String ruletext = "Use W to thrust forward\n \nUse A and D keys to\nrotate the ship left and right\n\nPress space to shoot the asteroids\n\n\nClick anywhere to start";
Bullet bullet;
void setup() {
size(1800, 1000); //Size of the window
background(0); //Background color
sX = 900; //Ship X location
sY = 500; //Ship Y location
a1X = 1000; //Asteroid1 X location
a1Y = 100; //Asteroid1 Y location
a2X = 400; //Asteroid1 X location
a2Y = 700; //Asteroid1 Y location
a3X = 1600; //Asteroid1 X location
a3Y = 800; //Asteroid1 Y location
aD1 = 100;
aD2 = 100;
aD3 = 80;
hbX = 1750; //Health bar rectangle X location variable
hbY = 50; //Health bar rectangle Y location variable
dbW = 0; //Damage bar variable
SmvX = 0; //The ships X movement variable
SmvY = 0; //The ships Y movement variable
shoot = new SoundFile(this, "shoot.mp3"); //Load the shoot soundfile
thrust = new SoundFile(this, "thrust.mp3"); //Load the thrust soundfile
ship = loadImage("data/ship.png"); //Load the ship image
a1 = loadImage("a1.png"); //Load asteroid1 image
a2 = loadImage("a2.png"); //Load asteroid2 image
a3 = loadImage("a3.png"); //Load asteroid3 image
sViz = ship; //The ships visible sprite
pixel = createFont("pixel.TTF", 24); //Load the font
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); //Make the text align centered
void draw() {
if (rules == true) { //If rules is true then display the rules
fill(255, 0, 0);
text(ruletext, 900, 500);
if (mousePressed) {
rules = false; //When the screen is clicked stop displaying the rules
if (rules == false) { //When rules are gone, start the game
fill(0); //Fill the rectangle below with black
rect(-1, -1, 1801, 1001); //Make a ractangle the size of the screen
fill(50, 255, 100); //Fill the rectangle below with green
rect(hbX, hbY, -80, 900, 7); //Make the health bar rectangle
fill(red); //Fill the rectangle below with red
rect(1750, 50, -80, dbW, 7); //Make the damage bar rectangle
stroke(255); //Set the stroke to white
imageMode(CENTER); //Sets the image to be centered from the center
translate(sX, sY);
image(sViz, 0, 0, 80, 80); //Shows an image on the screen
image(a1, a1X, a1Y, 100, 100);
image(a2, a2X, a2Y, 100, 100);
image(a3, a3X, a3Y, 80, 80);
a1X = a1X-random(25);
a1Y = a1Y+random(25);
a2X = a2X-random(25);
a2Y = a2Y-random(25);
a3X = a3X-random(25);
a3Y = a3Y+random(25);
ellipse(a1X, a1Y, 100, 100);
ellipse(a2X, a2Y, 100, 100);
ellipse(a3X, a3Y, 100, 100);
if (dist(sX, sY, a1X, a1Y) < sDia/2 + aD1/2) {
dbW = dbW+10;
else if (dist(sX, sY, a2X, a2Y) < sDia/2 + aD2/2) {
dbW = dbW+10;
else if (dist(sX, sY, a3X, a3Y) < sDia/2 + aD3/2) {
dbW = dbW+10;
clickX = mouseX;
clickY = mouseY;
if (accel == true) {
SmvX += cos(radians(sAng)); //If accel is true, then make the image move
SmvY += sin(radians(sAng));
sX = sX + SmvX * speedVar;
sY = sY + SmvY * speedVar;
sAng = (sAng + sRot);
if (shot == true) {
if (sX < -100) { //Has an image gone off the left edge?
sX = 1900; //Teleport image to right edge
} else if (sX > 1900) { //Has an image gone off the right edge?
sX = 0; //Teleport image to left edge
if (sY < -100) { //Has an image gone off the top edge?
sY = 1100; //Teleport image to bottom edge
} else if (sY > 1100) { //Has an image gone off the bottom edge?
sY = 0; //Teleport image to top edge
if (a1X < -100) { //Has an image gone off the left edge?
a1X = 1900; //Teleport image to right edge
} else if (a1X > 1900) { //Has an image gone off the right edge?
a1X = 0; //Teleport image to left edge
if (a1Y < -100) { //Has an image gone off the top edge?
a1Y = 1100; //Teleport image to bottom edge
} else if (a1Y > 1100) { //Has an image gone off the bottom edge?
a1Y = 0; //Teleport image to top edge
if (a2X < -100) { //Has an image gone off the left edge?
a2X = 1900; //Teleport image to right edge
} else if (a2X > 1900) { //Has an image gone off the right edge?
a2X = 0; //Teleport image to left edge
if (a2Y < -100) { //Has an image gone off the top edge?
a2Y = 1100; //Teleport image to bottom edge
} else if (a2Y > 1100) { //Has an image gone off the bottom edge?
a2Y = 0; //Teleport image to top edge
if (a3X < -100) { //Has an image gone off the left edge?
a3X = 1900; //Teleport image to right edge
} else if (a3X > 1900) { //Has an image gone off the right edge?
a3X = 0; //Teleport image to left edge
if (a3Y < -100) { //Has an image gone off the top edge?
a3Y = 1100; //Teleport image to bottom edge
} else if (a3Y > 1100) { //Has an image gone off the bottom edge?
a3Y = 0; //Teleport image to top edge
if (dbW >= 900) { //If the player has taken enough damage, end the game
rect(-1, -1, 1801, 1001); //Make a ractangle the size of the screen
ellipse(400, 600, bDia, bDia); // Draw the left button.
ellipse(1400, 600, bDia, bDia); // Draw the right button.
text("Click this to\n play again", 400, 350);
text("Click this to\n exit", 1400, 350);
void keyPressed() {
if (key == ' ') {
if (shot == false) {
bullet = new Bullet(bX, bY, bSpd, bW, bH, red, red);
shot = true;
} else if (key == 'w') {
accel = true;
} else if (key == 'a') { //If a is pressed, rotate the image left
sRot = -3.0;
} else if (key == 'd') { //If d is pressed, rotate the image left
sRot = 3.0;
} else if (key == 'l') { //If d is pressed, rotate the image left
dbW = dbW+50;
void keyReleased() {
if (key == 'w') { //If s is released, stop thrusting
accel = false;
} else if (key == 'a') { //If a is released, stop rotating the image
sRot = 0.0;
} else if (key == 'd') { //If d is released, stop rotating the image
sRot = 0.0;
void mousePressed() {
if (dist(clickX, clickY, 400, 600) < bDia/2) {
rules = true;
dbW = 0;
//Check if the user clicked the right button.
else if (dist(clickX, clickY, 1400, 600) < bDia/2) {
class Bullet {
color bFill, bStroke;
int bW = 2, bH = 2;
float bX, bY, bSpd;
Bullet(float bX, float bY, float bSpd, int bW, int bH, color bFill, color bStroke) {
this.bX = bX;
this.bY = bY;
this.bSpd = bSpd;
this.bW = bW;
this.bH = bH;
this.bFill = bFill;
this.bStroke = bStroke;
void display() {
ellipse(this.bX, this.bY, this.bW, this.bH);
void move() {
this.bY -= this.bSpd;
if (this.bY < 1) {
this.bY = 500;
shot = false;
I made a lot of comments, but if you need more just ask what part and I might be able to tell what that part does.
when you create your bullet, use values that make sense for the current position and direction of the ship.
so those first two should probably be sx and sy
speed needs to be a vector rather than a scalar though, you need speed AND direction. and this should reflect the speed and direction of the ship when fired.
we can't run any of your code due to lack of sound and image files.
(oops, i didn't see the google drive link)
Changing the bullet location worked, but now I need to make it rotate in the same direction as the ship. I tried putting it with the rotation code of the ship, but it didn't work.
You need another variable in your bullet class. Speed is not enough, you need speed and direction (or xspeed and yspeed)
Ok, but how do I use the variable to make the bullet rotate in the same direction of the ship?
How is the direction of the ship defined?
Is it the movement vector of the ship?
Then just use these two variables and multiply by 3.2 or so
The direction is defined from pressing keys that change the a rotation variable, which then changes the angle of the ship and uses the angle in the rotate functions. Lines 74-78 & 118
The bullet also needs a direction. Add that and paste the new code here.
Then just use these two variables and multiply by 3.2 or so
this seems a little random at the moment but we'll explain it when you're ready. (basically the bullet needs to move faster than the ship)