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Hello everone! I am a newbie in open source and got acquainted about Processing Foundation very recently. I am a third year in Mathematics and Computing from IIT Kharagpur. I have worked with Python, Java, C and C++. I have installed all the necessities and I wanted to get started with contributing to this org in the best possible way. Can someone please help me with a beginner issue?
PS- I was particularly interested in developing Processing in Python mode but I am looking forward to all the suggestions I get to begin :)
Please see this related thread: https://forum.processing.org/two/discussion/comment/114868
The reply from Jeremy Douglass provides a link to beginner issues.
I've updated that thread with Python and R links as well.
Hello everyone, even i have a similar background. I particularly wanted to work with Processing.py. But I'm confused as to which issue to begin with. I went through the github repository jdf/processing.py https://github.com/jdf/processing.py/issues?q=is:open+is:issue. But i'm not able to segregate the beginner's issues. Can you please help.
If you really have no clue how to start, then maybe you should start by just using the project more. Try to focus on creating bug reports instead of taking on any issues yourself.
Also, try asking the repo owner jdf for suggested starting points.