Sorry. You are right. I need some ideas and the inexpensive ways to implement them. The problem is getting an accurate position of Arduino in a room of a house. I think making Arduino like a lighthouse that issues a radio wave, an ultrasound or a light and putting in the room two radars that recieve these signals. I know the distance between the radars and the angles and using some math formulas I can get the X and Y. But if there is a wall or an object that reflects these signals the radars can receive some fake signals and they don’t know where Arduino is. I heard that is possible localize something using Bluetooth or WiFi. On internet I found a few of systems that cost $200-$1000. My budget is $50.
Note: I’m an Italian high school student and I don’t speak English very well, so if there are some mistakes please report them to me.
This is the scheme of my last post. The big A in blue is Arduino, the yellow is the waves/the signals that ArduinoCode issues. The green objects are the radars that take the signals. The red is the triangle. The pink line and angles are the data that I know
I know the distance between the radars and the angles and using some math formulas I can get the X and Y. But if there is a wall or an object that reflects these signals the radars can receive some fake signals and they don’t know where Arduino is.
No, ok. I know how to get X and Y data but my problem is founding a method without interferences. For interferences I mean reflections of signals or other problems.
You need landmarks in your room, ceil is the best place. You need a camera (for passive landmarks) or an ultrasonic (for active landmarks) system to find 3 of them, measure distance to them and, finally, triangulate. First steps are the most difficult !
These systems are expensives, about hundred of euros/usd.
you could use 3 esp8266, with two you can generate two networks, and with the third scan for those networks and then you must watch the intensity of the two networks, the idea is that a low power device act as beacon (remember that the power will decrease with the square of the distance, or so).
Make sure to have some calibration examples, like in the corners so you can know the signal strength on each place. This solution it's for small places i think.
Get one. Put it in a room. It now localized to that room.
Or... you could give us some details about what your question even means.
probably related to / part of:
Sorry. You are right. I need some ideas and the inexpensive ways to implement them. The problem is getting an accurate position of Arduino in a room of a house. I think making Arduino like a lighthouse that issues a radio wave, an ultrasound or a light and putting in the room two radars that recieve these signals. I know the distance between the radars and the angles and using some math formulas I can get the X and Y. But if there is a wall or an object that reflects these signals the radars can receive some fake signals and they don’t know where Arduino is. I heard that is possible localize something using Bluetooth or WiFi. On internet I found a few of systems that cost $200-$1000. My budget is $50.
Note: I’m an Italian high school student and I don’t speak English very well, so if there are some mistakes please report them to me.
No, ok. I know how to get X and Y data but my problem is founding a method without interferences. For interferences I mean reflections of signals or other problems.
You need landmarks in your room, ceil is the best place. You need a camera (for passive landmarks) or an ultrasonic (for active landmarks) system to find 3 of them, measure distance to them and, finally, triangulate. First steps are the most difficult ! These systems are expensives, about hundred of euros/usd.
What's method is cheaper? Passive or Active?
Active one, with ultrasonic beacons. Be careful with this advice, I'm a begginer. even if I did a lot of research ;-)
you could use 3 esp8266, with two you can generate two networks, and with the third scan for those networks and then you must watch the intensity of the two networks, the idea is that a low power device act as beacon (remember that the power will decrease with the square of the distance, or so). Make sure to have some calibration examples, like in the corners so you can know the signal strength on each place. This solution it's for small places i think.
That’s triangulation - see Wikipedia
Or with laser of ultrasound mount a sender and receiver on a motor and let it rotate- so you can scan around