We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
Basically I get this error when I try to use either the P2D or P3D renderers. I have seen this problem on the forums before, but they are all using windows or there's some sort of antivirus that prevents the PDE from creating a temp folder. I'm on macOS and I do not have any antivirus installed. It doesn't have anything to do with the code. I am, however, able to export it and run the application flawlessly.
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library: /Users/daineesvang/natives/macosx-universal//nativewindow_awt
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(ClassLoader.java:1827)
at java.lang.Runtime.load0(Runtime.java:809)
at java.lang.System.load(System.java:1086)
at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase.loadLibraryInternal(JNILibLoaderBase.java:624)
at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase.access$000(JNILibLoaderBase.java:63)
at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase$DefaultAction.loadLibrary(JNILibLoaderBase.java:106)
at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase.loadLibrary(JNILibLoaderBase.java:487)
at jogamp.nativewindow.NWJNILibLoader.access$000(NWJNILibLoader.java:39)
at jogamp.nativewindow.NWJNILibLoader$1.run(NWJNILibLoader.java:49)
at jogamp.nativewindow.NWJNILibLoader$1.run(NWJNILibLoader.java:41)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at jogamp.nativewindow.NWJNILibLoader.loadNativeWindow(NWJNILibLoader.java:41)
at jogamp.nativewindow.jawt.JAWTUtil.<clinit>(JAWTUtil.java:336)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:348)
at com.jogamp.nativewindow.NativeWindowFactory$3.run(NativeWindowFactory.java:346)
at com.jogamp.nativewindow.NativeWindowFactory$3.run(NativeWindowFactory.java:342)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at com.jogamp.nativewindow.NativeWindowFactory.initSingleton(NativeWindowFactory.java:342)
at com.jogamp.newt.NewtFactory$1.run(NewtFactory.java:68)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at com.jogamp.newt.NewtFactory.<clinit>(NewtFactory.java:65)
at processing.opengl.PSurfaceJOGL.initIcons(PSurfaceJOGL.java:498)
at processing.opengl.PSurfaceJOGL.initFrame(PSurfaceJOGL.java:134)
at processing.core.PApplet.initSurface(PApplet.java:10889)
at processing.core.PApplet.runSketch(PApplet.java:10776)
at processing.core.PApplet.main(PApplet.java:10476)
A library relies on native code that's not available.
Or only works properly when the sketch is run as a 32-bit application.
Can anybody help me?
Hello !
I ran into the same issue on macosx. I "solved" it by using jogamp-fat.jar (http://jogamp.org/deployment/archive/master/gluegen_876-joal_603-jogl_1414-jocl_1066/fat/) instead of jogl and gluegen jars. That means you can remove those from your build path and put the jogamp-fat.jar instead.
Now, I'm completely unable to explain why this works for me, but I thought I could share this with you in case it helps you move on!
I'm not sure I completely understand what you are telling me to do.
Are you running your code in Processing IDE or in a java IDE like Eclipse ?
Just Processing IDE
Snap! Then I do not know how to solve it from the IDE. :(